MAGIC MURAL … Dr. Kenneth P. Ladd’s Magic Corner in Wauseon is planning a new magic mural. The mural, pictured here, will be featured on the side of the building. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Magic Corner in Wauseon, run by Dr. Kenneth P. Ladd, is raising funds for the painting of a mural.
The Magic Corner is located at 113 South Fulton Street. Inside the building, you can find the Magic Corner’s magic shop, The Birch Theater, and The Vanishing Magic Museum.
The Vanishing Magic Museum has even been featured on the Collectors Call which airs on MeTV.
Soon the building will also be the home of the Magic Mural. The mural will be worked on by Murals Vista who have already completed murals in the area such as one at Los Mariachi’s.
It will be 36’x50’ in size and will have special effects that show up at night. The plan is to begin the painting in May of 2023 when the weather is better.
Currently, the cost to have the mural completed is set at $16,000. In order to help with the cost, an account was set up at the Farmers and Merchants State Bank located at 1130 North Shoop Avenue in Wauseon.
A Venmo account was also set up at @muralproject as well as a GoFundMe account at 113 Mural Project.
Jacob can be reached at