CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION … West Unity resident Marilyn Royal was presented with a certificate thanking her for all her “selfless contributions” to the community, by Mayor Don Leu during the May 12, 2022 Village Council meeting. Royal put in a number of years on the Planning and Zoning Commission and Mayor Leu commended her for her time in that capacity. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Before heading into a number of legislative items and topics of discussion at the May 12, 2022 West Unity Village Council meeting, Mayor Don Leu thanked Marilyn Royal for coming at his request.
He then presented her with a certificate of appreciation, saying that this should have been done sooner, but got lost in the shuffle. Mrs. Royal thanked them for the recognition.
Moving into Legislation, the council voted to approve:
-Resolution 03-2022-8 (final reading) Authorizing the transfer of $25,00o from Part time salary to Full time salary
-Resolution 04-2022-10 Declaring it necessary to levy a Renewal Tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation for current operating expenses and declaring the same an emergency
-Resolution 11 Requesting the County Auditor to certify certain tax valuation information in anticipation of levying a tax in excess of the ten-mill. Limitation pursuant to revised code
-Resolution 12 Authorizing the Village Administrator, Josh Fritsch, to enter into an agreement with the State of Ohio DNR to accept grant funds and declaring it an emergency
-Resolution 13 Authorizing the Village Administrator to execute a Lease Agreement for agricultural land owned by the village and declaring it an emergency.
Solicitor Katie Rakes explained some details concerning Resolutions 14, 15 and 16, informing council that as long as Brady Township and the Commissioners approve them, the village has to wait for a specific number of days, making it September 15, 2022 before it would take effect.
Resolution 14 Accepting the annexation of 5.96 acres in Brady Township but not removing the same from Brady Township pursuant to Ohio Revised Code and declaring it an emergency was tabled along with Resolution 16.
Resolution 15 was dropped as it was determined not necessary. Resolution 16 “Regarding the provision of municipal services to the territory proposed for annexation pursuant to Ohio revised code section and declaring an emergency” was discussed and council agreed that it would be good to wait till they vote to accept the CRA and accept or approve Resolutions 14 and 16 at that time.
Council moved on to approve Ordinance 2022-2 Authorizing the reappropriation of Cable Franchise fee revenue from the Village’s General fund to it’s park fund (3rd Reading) and Ordinance 4 Amending ordinance 1113.24 d and e, regarding storm sewer pipe materials and driveway culverts in open ditches (first reading).
Village Administrator, Josh Fritsch, explained that this will allow him to determine the size and type of tile needed instead of having an across-the-board size required for all residential.
In his report to council, Fritsch shared:
-They will be opening bids on June 9th for the Jackson, Jefferson and Church St. projects
-Jones and Henry are now working on the design work for Lincoln St.
-The Splash Pad has been delivered and they will be installing it soon
-The Large Spring Pick Up on the North side was completed on May 5 and the South Side was for May 12 and 13.
-The only family to send in a request to annex property was Roberta Clark (There was some discussion as to consternation that more did not “take advantage of this amazing opportunity”.)
-The new playground equipment has been ordered
-Rich Grand requested having a Food Truck when he has his grand opening of the Drive Thru Car Wash in June or July (council gave him the nod to go ahead)
-ODOT will be delivering flashing beacons and poles for the Kamco Crosswalk asap, as they just got approval to order them.
-Two policies for the Annual Pool fill discount and for the use of fire hydrants to fill new swimming pools are now available for anyone needing the information
-He thanked the Junior students from Hilltop HS for their help at Memorial Park. “They painted dugouts and speed bumps and edged the sidewalk.” He also thanked Jen Yoh for bringing the students out and helping to supervise.
-There was a lengthy discussion about the rules dictating the “front setback for houses.” Presently any house or structure that is attached to it must be 30 feet off the front property line.
He expressed a desire of some to put a nice front porch on their houses but this ruling does not allow that. It was determined to hold a Zoning and Planning meeting to discuss this.
In his police report, Chief JR Jones shared that during April 2022 there were 44 investigations, 18 agency assists, 46 miscellaneous calls, 5 accidents, 10 traffic citations and 20 traffic warnings.
Village Fiscal Officer, Sarah Higdon, asked for Council’s advice on what to do about the cleaning of the Kissel building following rented events.
Following a long discussion which covered the frustration with people not cleaning it and it falling on Sarah to clean it at 2 a.m. on a Sunday morning, council voted to change the deposit from $100 to $200 to try to keep that from happening. It is understood that you get the deposit back after you clean the building following use.
Mayor Leu reported that Bryan Eagles donated $1000 toward the Splash Pad and Montpelier Moose donated $500 toward the park. He thanked them both for the generous donations.
The summer food program will have a new director this year, but is planned to run beginning in June and will continue to be held at Memorial Park.
Council members all thanked the village staff for their continued good work. Council Member Terri Lebowsky said that she has heard some complaints about a few things: 1. The moving of trailers on Elm St. and how that has taken out or bent the stop signs.
Chief Jones said that Elm is the only street available for that so it will continue. 2. The “older trailers” being moved in. Fritsch said they are “state regulated” so the village can’t do anything about that.
A Tree Meeting was scheduled to be held on June 9 before the regular meeting.
Council went into Executive Session, with Fritsch, for the consideration of purchase or sale of property. There was no action taken. The next meeting is scheduled for June 9, 2022
Rebecca can be reached at rebecca@thevillagereporter.com