MORE TIME NEEDED – Council decides to table Ordinance 2022-12 – An ordinance establishing manufactured/mobile home parks “MH” as a residential zoning district. (BY AMY WENDT, STAFF)
By: Amy Wendt
On the November 10 regular meeting, village council members discussed the sale of the abandoned railroad property formerly owned by Cincinnati Northern.
Council approved Ordinance 2022-11-An ordinance authorizing advertisement for bids for the sale of real estate owned by the village pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 721.03 and declaring the same to be an emergency.
Village Administrator Josh Fritsch clarified that it has not been decided how the sale of the former railroad property will be conducted, but it will be sold as one tract of land with no plans to split at this time.
Councilor Marvin added that he was aware of two parties interested in purchasing the land.
Councilor Kevin Gray asked if it should be sold through a sealed bid process as in the past, or if the property should be listed on an online auction.
“There are very few auctioneers who are actually conducting them onsite anymore,” said Gray. “ It’s cheaper.” Gray offered to find out how much it would cost to list the property online versus the cost of a sealed bid with traditional advertising.
Williams County Department of Aging Executive Director Donna Sprow, came before council to extend the invitation for one of the members to serve on its advisory board.
Sprow advised that Peg Bernath, who is resigning from her position on the board, feels that it would be beneficial for someone from the village to be her replacement.
Mayor Don Leu said Council will discuss before deciding if one of them will be taking the vacant seat.
In regular business, Council voted to approve.
-payment of Bills.
-minutes of the Regular meeting held on October 14, 2022.
-minutes of Special meeting held on October 27, 2022.
-Ordinance 2022-10 – An ordinance to approve, adopt and enact the 2022 Replacement pages to the codified ordinances; to repeal ordinances in conflict therewith; to publish the enactment of new matter and declaring an emergency.
Wastewater Manager Randy Mahlman attended the meeting to discuss with council “the code of conduct in our policy procedure,” and other matters.
There was also much discussion on Ordinance 2022-12 – An ordinance establishing manufactured/mobile home parks “MH” as a residential zoning district; amending ordinance 1137.01(b) to include an “MH” district; and adding a new chapter to the village’s zoning ordinance for the regulation of such districts.
Following the dialogue, council voted to table the matter to give members more time to review the proposed ordinance and other area village zoning regulations on mobile home parks.
In the village administrator’s report, Fritsch said leaf pickup will be completed when all leaves have been raked and brought to the curbs for village workers to take; the Family Dollar real estate purchase has still not been completed; American Roadway came back and completed the intersection that they missed.
Fritsch also wanted to pass along that Jim Eisel’s Retirement Open House will be held on December 16 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at the Kissel Building.
Police Chief JR Jones was not present, however, according to the police department monthly report, there were a total of 110 calls.
Fiscal Officer Sarah Higdon shared that 15 businesses will be participating in the Chamber of Commerce’s Cookie Walk taking place on Saturday, November 12 and the Chamber’s Christmas Parade will be held on December 3rd at 5:30 pm.
Mayor Don Leu reminded if anyone would like to set up a 10×10 space to decorate for Christmas in the Park, it is free of charge and applications are available at the office or online.
Council then went into executive session with no action was taken.
The next meetings are scheduled for Finance Committee on Friday, December 2 at 6:30 pm and regular on Thursday, December 8 at 7:30 pm.
Amy may be reached