What’s really happening with AquaBounty’s GMO salmon factory proposed for Pioneer? What are the corporate spin-doctors not saying? Find out.
The Williams County Alliance is hosting a community town hall meeting on Tuesday, June 28, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Edon High School Auditoria to share information about the AquaBounty project.
“This will be an opportunity for the community to have an open discussion and express their concerns, and there’s no need to pre-register or submit questions in advance,” said Alliance chairman Sherry Fleming, a clear reference to the town hall meeting held by AquaBounty on June 22.
“It’s not a done deal. AquaBounty doesn’t have the permits for water withdrawal or discharge and there are questions about environmental assessments at the federal level,” Fleming said.
“We’re all concerned about our water, and we hope people will show up and stay involved.”
During the meeting, there will be a review of the project history up until now, information on the pending Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Ohio EPA permits, actions taken by the Alliance, including ongoing well monitoring, and open information sharing.