LEGISLATIVE WORK … The Williams County Commissioners sign resolutions following their February 16 meeting. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The February 16th, 2023 Williams County Commissioners’ meeting began at 10 a.m. with a movement made by Bart Westfall and seconded by Terry Rummel to transfer funds. This movement was carried unanimously.
The first item of business on the agenda was Resolution 23-0071, approving the Williams County Auditor, Vickie L. Grimm, to create new lines and make supplemental appropriations to funds.
A movement to approve Resolution 23-0071 was made by Commissioner Westfall and seconded by Commissioner Rummel.
Resolution 23-0072, approving an agreement between Coast Professional, Inc. and Williams County Ohio Common Pleas Court/Kim Herman Clerk of Courts for collection services for a 24 month period, was unanimously approved by the board.
Resolution 23-0073 was unanimously carried by the board. This Resolution allows for an Administrative Services Agreement between the Board of Williams County Commissioners and the Maumee Valley North CHIP Consortium and Consortium of Northwest Ohio.
Resolution 23-0074, allowing for the acceptance of a bid on asphalt emulsion, was unanimously carried by the board.
Resolution 23-0075, which allows the Williams County Commissioners and Maumee Valley Planning Organization to enter into an Agreement for Technical Assistance, was unanimously carried by the board.
Resolution 23-0076 and Resolution 23-0077, approving the purchase of new trucks for the Williams County Engineer, was approved unanimously by the board.
A report was given on the February 6th-12th Spring Clean as well as many other tentative future community events.
The sheriff’s office submitted credit card appropriations. A motion to accept the minutes from the February 13, 2023 meeting was moved by Westfall and seconded by Rummel.
A motion to accept and pay the bills as presented by the auditor was moved by Westfall and seconded by Rummel.
Commissioner Westfall then detailed how mediation for the asbestos found on the fourth floor of the Williams County Courthouse will begin March 6th.
Rummel detailed how they are going to have to relocate files from the fourth floor to the basement during this mediation.
Efforts will then begin to electronically scan and then destroy these files. This process will likely take around six to eight months to complete.
Rummel also detailed discussion around well-monitoring held with Dave Lampe and the OMI (Ohio-Indiana-Michigan) Council of Government regarding funding.
Current funds are running low. Permission was granted for Rummel to begin the negotiation process for garnering funding.
Commissioner Lew Hilkert related that the sheriff’s office is putting down for a new cruiser to replace the one that was recently involved in an accident. The accident involved vehicle was totaled.
The meeting adjourned at 10:11 a.m.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com