DISCUSSING LOITERING … The commissioners discussed the Sanctuary and the need for further research into solutions for sidewalk loitering. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Commissioners met Thursday March 23, 2023 at 9 a.m. for their general session. Commissioners Lew Hilkert, Bart Westfall, and Terry Rummel were present, as well as Williams County Clerk Anne Retcher.
The commissioners carried the following resolutions:
-Resolution 23-0094, a supplemental appropriations request.
-Resolution 23-0095, a memorandum of understanding between Williams County EMA and Williams County Health District for use of the language line services.
-Resolution 23-0096, which expedited health insurance benefits for a county employee.
-Resolution 23-0097, which authorized an agreement between Williams County Department of Job and Family Services and Advantage Group Home for Title IV-E agencies and providers for the provision of child placement.
Approved also were credit card expenditures for the month of March, a payment request from Maumee Valley Planning, Four County elections, Rummel’s appointment to the governor board, and the installation of electrical equipment in the Williams County Courthouse.
The minutes of the March 20, 2023 meeting were approved, as were the bills as presented by the Williams County Auditor.
Conversation was then held between the commissioners regarding the recent concerns over individuals sitting alongside the road in downtown Bryan, and whether or not the conversion of a grass plot behind the Williams County Records building into rest spot with camera surveillance would be beneficial.
The Sanctuary is interested in handling the conversion for the city, but the commissioners noted that more research would have to be done into the location before a decision can be made on how to best address the issue.
The commissioners then went into recess at 9:14 a.m.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com