SOCIAL DISTANCING Although the pandemic is over the Williams County Commissioners would always rather be safe than sorry as seen here with Commissioner Westfalls absence due to waking up Thursday to find himself under the weather
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Commissioners held a regular week, meeting on Monday and Thursday.
Monday began at 9 a.m. with the approval of three resolutions, the minutes of the November 22, 2023 meeting, the bills as presented, and the signing of a certificate of substantial completion for the County Road 22 project and a change order for pavement markings.
Commissioner Bart Westfall then shared that the bridge out at George Bible Park has gotten a lot of compliments, with local walkers sharing how nice it looks.
At 9:30 a.m., the commissioners then met with Apryl McClaine and Heather Mercer from the 911 and EMA for executive session, which was then adjourned with no action taken.
Thursday began at 9 a.m. with the approval of five resolutions, a request for pay from Maumee Valley, the county-wide space study, a settlement statement, weekly Dog Warden report through November 26, the minutes of the November 27, 2023 meeting and the bills as presented.
At 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, the commissioners met with Donna Sprow and Sarah Carothers to discuss grant funding available to older adults wishing to age in place, helping with financial, psychological, and social services.
This funding is to help those that do not qualify for most state assistance, while still being under the federal poverty level.
This funding is time sensitive, so decisions on where it will be appropriated will need to be made within the next few months.
The Williams County Commissioners then entered executive session, bringing their week to a close.
Resolution 23-0347 approved supplemental appropriations, Resolution 23-0348 approved an MOU for grant reimbursement, and Resolution 23-0349 approved the inclusion of an electricity aggregation program with opt-out provisions on a ballot for electors of unincorporated areas.
Resolution 23-0350 approved supplemental appropriations, Resolution 23-0351 approved a lease agreement with Cancer Assistance of Williams County, Resolution 23-0352 approved an extension to an agreement for transcription services for JFS, Resolution 23-0353 approved an agreement for consultation services, and Resolution 23-0354 approved an amendment to the approved JFS credit cards.