SIGNATURES Commissioners Bart Westfall and Lew Hilkert entered recess on Thursday to sign all of the necessary documents before adjourning for the week
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Commissioners met regularly last week, meeting on both Tuesday and Thursday as planned.
Tuesday began at about 8:30 a.m. with an executive session to discuss impending litigation with no action taken, followed by their regular session at about 9 a.m.
They then passed two resolutions and approved a letter appointing Commissioner Westfall to attend the CCNO meeting, a proposal for the courthouse windows, credit card expenditures for March, and a temporary liquor permit for St. Patrick’s School.
The bills and the minutes of their February 22, 2024 meeting were approved as presented before Commissioners Bart Westfall, Terry Rummel, and Lew Hilkert entered into an executive session regarding matters of employment with no action.
At 9:30 a.m., the commissioners met with former Commissioner Al Word and Sheriff Kochert to discuss the bridge at the fairgrounds.
It was shared that the bridge is still considered a private drive by ODOT, but that the Agricultural Society / Fair Board does not have the resources to safely maintain it.
It first shared that in the past, when serving as commissioner, Word had partnered with the fair board to put lightweight, movable barricades in at the bridge, so that it could see reduced traffic.
This was related to the recent concerns over activity taking place on the grounds, as barricading the bridge would help reduce vehicular traffic.
The other concern was that most of the vandalism would be committed by people on foot, and that reducing vehicular traffic will do nothing to deter those with ill will who are on foot.
If the road is to be maintained by the county and using county funds, it was discussed whether or not it could be labeled as a “seasonal road,” like those in Michigan.
It was also discussed that the area is prone to flooding, but that no signage currently exists to warn traffic.
The commissioners thanked Word and Kochert for their time, and entered into executive session to consider matters of employment with IT Director Jeremy Suffel with no action taken.
Commissioner Westfall shared how the 200 Anniversary Committee has been hard at work preparing, and that the wooden token that they have put together will serve as a nice memento for everyone before adjourning for the day.
Tuesday saw Commissioners Bart Westfall and Lew Hilkert meet to pass four resolutions, the Dog Warden report through February 25, 2024, credit card expenditures and appropriations for March, a request for the engineer’s office to attend an annual stormwater seminar, the bills as presented, and the minutes of their February 27, 2024 meeting.
This week’s resolutions passed were:
24-0103: approved supplemental appropriations
24-0104: approved the health insurance start date for a public employee

24-0104: approved fund transfer requests
24-0106: approved an IV-E addenda to an agreement with JFS
24-0107: approved the 911 plan as presented by Heather Mercer
24-0108: advertised for sealed bids for the 2024 Scott and Brown Drive Curb and Asphalt Upgrades Norlick Place Subdivision Project, or Project #02-2024.