CDBG HEARING … Representatives from a number of Williams County villages turned out for the first public hearing of the 2023 Community Development Block Grant program, at the Williams County Commissioners on January 19, 2023. From left to right are Dawn Fitzcharles (Edgerton), Nikki Uribes and Justin Houk (Montpelier), Paul Green (Florence and Northwest Townships), Adam Panas (presenter from Maumee Valley Planning Organization), Mark Trausch (Florence Township) and Beth Rediger (Stryker). Not in photo, Bert Brown (Florence Township). (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Williams County Commissioners, Lew Hilkert, Bart Westfall and Terry Rummel hosted the first public hearing for the Program Year 2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 19, 2023.
Adam Panas was present to represent Maumee Valley Planning Organization (MVPO), and to make the presentation.
Panas explained that the purpose of the public hearing was “to provide an overview of the CDBG programs for Williams County.
He explained that CDBG grants “require projects to serve areas with at least 51% low to moderate income (LMI) populations.”
He went on to explain other qualifications required, the available funding and which community development programs for which the county is eligible.
For this specific program year, Williams County is eligible for an Allocation Grant which would fund two projects and Critical Infrastructure Program with a maximum of three projects open at the same time.
He spoke about the Flex Program, Economic Development Program, Community Housing Impact and Preservation Program (CHIP), Homeless and Supportive Housing Programs which are administered by NOCAC (Northwest Ohio Community Action Commission), and New Horizons Fair Housing Assistance Program. He shared information about the timeline for projects, as well.
During the Q&A portion of the meeting, Panas suggested that many questions will be better answered at the February or May meetings as MVPO will have received the current year’s guidelines for the programs by then. The hearing adjourned at 9 a.m.
Next on the agenda for the commissioners was a 9 a.m. Hillside Monthly Meeting with Executive Director Darrel Moore. General session was held next with the approval of the following:
-Resolution 39: Supplemental Appropriations.
-Resolution 40: Advertising for sealed bids for 2023 Asphalt Emulsion Products, which will be received in the commissioners’ office on February 13, 2023.
-Resolution 41: Contract Extension Agreement between Williams County JFS and Bed Brigade of Williams County, Inc. for providing twin size beds for Williams County children in need. It is extended from December 2022 through December 2023, with same cost not to exceed $5,000.
-Resolution 42: Transfer of funds – $1,683.01 TANF Allocation from Public Assistance Fund to Public Children Services Agency Fund to reimburse direct costs from October through December 2022 for assistance to needy families.
-Resolution 43: Transfer of funds – $10,191.30 TANF Allocation from Public Assistance Fund to Child Support Enforcement Agency Fund to reimburse RMS activity from October through December 2022
-Resolution 44: Memorandum of Understanding between Williams County Common Pleas Court, Williams County Sheriff and Williams County Board of County Commissioners for provision of transportation vehicle for constables to assist sheriff in transporting inmates at no cost.
-Resolution 45: Entering into an agreement between Ohio Department of Public Safety and Valley Auto Group, dba Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram to allow for the processing of certificates of title electronically at no cost to Williams County.
-Resolution 46: MVPO Project #3-2022 Pioneer Crommer Park Soil Erosion Project between Bryan Excavating, Williams County Commissioners, Pioneer, and Stoneco, Inc. Contract price is $56,790 with $51,000 paid CDBG Allocation Grant. The remaining balance will be paid by the Village of Pioneer.
Rebecca can be reached at