MAPLE SYRUP DAY … Lamar Dick teaches students how to use a hydrometer when making maple syrup. (PHOTOS BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The Northwest Ohio Maple Syrup Producers and the Williams Soil & Water Conservation District hosted a Maple Syrup education event Thursday, March 9.
Children were able to view the maple syrup making process first-hand, as well as learn about its rich history.
This year, those that participated in running the Sugar Shack area are part of the Northwest Ohio Maple Syrup Producers, with Lamar Dick, Barry Brown, Rodney Laukhuf, Jeff Dick, Mark Dye, Scott Dye, Gary Smith, and Daniel Bartlett helping.
The group leaders this year were Josh Imber, Manuel Lay, Steve Slattman, and Mary McCann- as bell ringer- of the Williams Soil & Water Conservation District and Deb Dye of Northwest Ohio Maple Syrup Producer.
MAPLE SYRUP DAY … Mark Dye tells children how he has been making maple syrup with his grandpa since he was their age.
Telling children, the long history of maple syrup while showing them 300-year-old artifacts were Linda and Maureen Schell.
Anne Marie Michaels coordinates and oversees the education event and also the Maple Syrup Festival, which will be held March 25, 2023 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at 619 E Main St, Montpelier.
This festival will feature maple syrup, woodland, and wildlife events. The Maple Syrup Festival features horse-wagon and tractor-wagon rides, as well as a portable sawmill and beekeeping exhibits!
The Northwest Ohio Maple Syrup Producers and the Williams Soil & Water Conservation District are lining up another successful year of instilling a love for the outdoors and history in local children.
Anna can be reached at