PEOPLE CHOICE AWARD … Cam Miller of Bryan’s with a Mirror Image Design.
“Garding for the Young at Heart” was the title of the Williams County Fair Floriculture Show. A total of 540 exhibits were shown at the Floriculture Show with 464 individual specimens.
The Green Thumb awards went to Sue Gobel of Stryker, with a beautiful Gladiolus and Joyce Mocherman of Bryan, with an elegant Glorisia Vine.
The Indoor Grower Award went to Michael Tipton of Bryan with his 13-year-old Cactus. Sixty-one youth and adults participated in the Kids Day flower arrangement class and with flower specimen exhibits. Two Educational Exhibits were designed by JoAnn Beucler and Carol Wheeler both of Bryan.
Nursery Rhymes were used in the titles of the 56 Floral Designs. The Best Show in the First and Second Shows was Kay Beck of Bryan with a Stretch and an Illuminary Designs.

The Judges Distinction Awards went to Kay Beck with Mirror Image and a Framed Spatial Design.
People’s Choice Awards went to Rozetta Luke of Montpelier with Framed Spatial Design and Cam Miller of Bryan with Mirror Image.
The Pulaski Garden Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., at the Pulaski United Methodist Church.
The program for the November meeting is “Plants of the Bible” with Michelle Kleinhen of Bryan as speaker.
This November 7th the meeting will be “Guest Night”, and everyone interested in gardening is welcome to attend.