CHAIRMAN & OFFICERS … New officers and chairmen were elected and installed May 5th & 19th by Montpelier Chapter 270, Women of the Moose, for the new year beginning May 1st through April 30, 2023. Shown from left to right are Rey McKinney, Treasurer; Karen Chandler, Junior Past Regent; Heather Johnson, Senior Regent; and Megan O’Neal, Secretary. Also installed for the new year were Patty Piorkowski, Guide; Mary Mercer, Fraternal Activities Chr.; Becky Semer, Mooseheart/Moosehaven Chr.; and Joyce Schelling, Higher Degree Chr. Congratulations and best wishes to these officers and chairmen for a successful year! Regular chapter meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Montpelier Moose Lodge and all chapter members are welcome and encouraged to attend. All Academy of Friendship Degree members, including the newest degree recipient Melissa “Missy” Kleinhen, will be honored at the next chapter meeting Thursday, June 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the east meeting room. (PHOTOS PROVIDED)
NEW OFFICERS … Serving as installing officers for the May 5th and May 19th installation ceremonies for Montpelier Chapter 270, Women of the Moose, were, from left to right, Gloria Poorman, Installing Regent (May 5th); Pat Cogan, Installing Guide; Patti Wilcox, Installing Chaplain; and Kara Custar, Installing Regent (May 19th). Retiring officers who served for the 2021-22 chapter year were recognized and thanked for their service including Karen Chandler, senior regent; Rey McKinney, secretary; and Kara Custar, treasurer.
NEWLY INSTALLED … Heather Johnson, newly installed Senior Regent for Montpelier #270, Women of the Moose, is shown with her family who attended the installation ceremonies May 19th. From left to right are her husband Brad, her daughter Hailey, Heather, her father Jim Heller, and her son Bryer. Congratulations Heather!