WRITTEN POLICY … Williams County Highway Clerk Steve Humphrey passed out a newly assembled policy at the November 10, 2022 commissioners meeting,for the county concerning mailboxes damaged during winter plowing. County Engineer Todd Roth explained it to Commissioners Terry Rummel, Lew Hilkert and Brian Davis, while assistant clerk Robin Kemp took notes. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Thursday morning, November 10, 2022, began for the Williams County Commissioners with general session at 9:30. Commissioners approved:
- Resolution 282-appropriation transfers
- Resolution 283-advertising for sealed bids for farm land rental to be accepted until 10 a.m. on December 1, 2022. The successful bidder will be required to sign a five-year lease agreement of the approximately 151.1 acres near and around Hillside Country Living
- Resolution 284-roadway agreement between Williams County Commissioners, Jefferson Township Trustees and Montpelier Solar LLC
- Resolution 285-appointment of Stacy Lillard to the Williams County Port Authority Board for the position of board member to fill the vacated position of Bart Westfall, for a four-year term beginning January 1, 2023
- Resolution 286-lease agreement with Williams County Job and Family Services for area at 117 West Butler St., at a cost not to exceed $455.29 per month, January 1, 2023 – Dec. 31, 2023.
- also signed: dog warden report for Week of October 31 – November 6, 2022; letter being sent to Williams County sanitary sewer customers regarding a rate increase from $45 to $50 per month for single residential equivalent unit, effective January 1, 2023; letter to department heads and officials regarding the holiday premium
At 10:00, Williams County Engineer Todd Roth and Highway Clerk/Safety Coordinator Steve Humphrey met with the commissioners to discuss a few items.
First, Roth spoke about the mailbox/plow issue that happens every winter. He brought forth a newly written policy that states in writing that if a mailbox is damaged by snow or ice from the plow going past, they are not responsible for the repairs.
If the plow actually hits the mailbox, the county will replace it with a wooden post and metal box or $50 toward a more expensive one.
Commissioner Lew Hilkert recommended that Roth attend the upcoming Township Association meeting to present it there, so that hopefully everyone in the county can be using the same policy.
Humphrey said they replaces a couple thousand mailboxes last year. Commissioner Terry Rummel said that as residents call them this winter, they need to remember to be polite and respectful as they are more likely to get their mailbox replaced if they “don’t yell or scream about it.
Secondly, Roth spoke about a few park situations. The financial paperwork for the new bridge at Bible Park is in process and he reminded the commissioners that they had approved to match the state’s commitment of $50,000. It will be a steel span bridge.
He stated that they did better with maintenance of Bible Park this summer and are still planning to get the green water taken care of next summer.
Also in the Parks system, Roth said they are talking about building a dog park at Goldie Newman Park which is located on St. Rt. 15 between Bryan and Montpelier.
There are some possible donations for that and he hopes to find a few more. Last of all, he requested that the commissioners approve an engineering study of the ten miles of Rails to Trails in the county.
Montpelier has requested that the rest of the county join them in getting this done to set goals, costs and long-term possibilities.
The study would cost around $45,000 and he just wanted to know if they are interested in getting this done.
No decision was made but the commissioners said it sounds like a good idea. It was agreed at the NORTA meeting (Northwest Ohio Rails to Trails) that getting this study done would increase the odds when they apply for grants.

The last portion of open meetings held on the tenth was for a CORSA update with CORSA agent from Columbus, Ali Redmond and Williams County CORSA representative Russ Davies. (Commissioner Rummel was not present for the rest of the morning as he had another meeting to attend.)
CORSA takes care of the county’s liability insurance for all properties and buildings owned by the county.
Redmond spoke a little about the update that was prepared for July, but was now being given.
Their total insured value in four years, has gone from $102.2 million to $131.2 million. This is based on the inflation rate of materials and supplies, etc.
Redmond requested that the commissioners let her know if they wanted to keep the coverage of the courthouse building designated “Reproduction” instead of “Replacement.”
It was discussed that as the community has indicated that they really want to keep the older look in the downtown square, the commissioners had chosen to pay for Reproduction in the case of a disaster to the courthouse.

She said that it is $10,000 cheaper to go with Replacement, but the commissioners said they do not want to change from Reproduction.
Davies pointed out that replacement would mean a modern building would be put up to replace the courthouse if it was destroyed by a catastrophe.
“That would truly change the look of Courthouse Square,” he said. Commissioner Brian Davis said that as it was built so long ago, it has given an historic look to the square which they all want to keep.
Commissioner Lew Hilkert also mentioned that community members have spoken often of what a special point of interest it is in the county.
A bound copy of the appraisal was given to the commissioners along with a business card that has a digital tab to view the electronic version on a computer at any time.
She invited questions from the commissioners over the coming weeks as they look through it, if they find anything that does not look quite right to them.

Redmond also reminded the commissioners of the CORSA winter conference and said she hopes they will attend.
There will be a seminar on Business Email Compromise which she feels is very important training to have.
The last portion of the morning was spent in an executive session with Apryl McClaine, EMA/911.
Rebecca can be reached at rebecca@thevillagereporter.com