DITCH … This picture shows Outlet Ditch BR. 7e for AI Creek. This ditch was discussed during the ditch hearing for ditch petition 2147-Amboy. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held their first meeting of the week on Tuesday, February 21st. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with a bid opening for Bridge Project marked 20F.1.
With no bids being received, commissioners moved to observe the Pledge of Allegiance before also holding a prayer.
The minutes from the February 16th meeting were then approved along with the current agenda and approval of the bills.
A review was conducted of the weekly dog warden reports for periods ending February 4th and February 11th before then moving to approve the following agenda items.
– Resolution 2023-156 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
– Resolution 2023-157 to approve Amendment #1 to Grant Agreement 2022-53 with the Ohio Department of Development for Britsch- 190686.
– Resolution 2023-158 to approve Amendment #1 to Grant Agreement 2022-130 with The Ohio Department of Development for the Former Jackson Cleaners – 192233.
– Resolution 2023-159 to enter into Contract 2023-49 with Federal Field Services for the 2023 Outdoor Warning Siren Maintenance Inspections.
– Resolution 2023-160 to enter into Contract 2023-50 with Perry Pro Tech for Copier Maintenance on behalf of Probate Court.
– Resolution 2023-161 to appoint a part-time Transfer Station Operator.
– Resolution 2023-162 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
Following the approval of agenda items, discussion took place for the Final Hearing of Ditch 2147 – Amboy.
The petition calls for the installation of around 900 feet of new 18-inch smooth wall HDPE conduit to replace an existing 15-inch clay time installed along Township Road 4-3.
Also, to be fixed are the existing catch basins in order to connect to the new 18-inch HDPE and the replacement of a 2×2 catch basin with a 3v3 catch basin.
Problems brought discussed included numerous washouts and sink holes along the line of existing 15-inch clay tile along the west side of 4-3.
The construction estimate with first year maintenance is $51,618.31 with a net benefit of $309,806.83 over twenty years.
Commissioners then voiced support for the project with Commissioner Jon Rupp stating he believed the project should move forward.
Commissioner voted to move forward with the project, assessments and letting of contracts. These assessments will last for five years.
The bid opening date was set for May 4th, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. With no other items to attend to the meeting was adjourned at 10:08 a.m.
The commissioners next meeting of the week took place on Thursday, February 23rd. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Commissioners first moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on February 21st as well as the current agenda.
A review then took place of the Fulton County Juvenile Court 2022 annual report before moving to approve the following agenda items.
– Resolution 2023-166 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
– Resolution 2023-167 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for Postage Reimbursement.
– Resolution 2023-168 to enter into a Contract 2023-51 with Short Excavating for 2023 Ditch Maintenance on behalf of the Engineer.
– Resolution 2023-169 to enter into a Contract with Bowser Morner for Construction Phase Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing.
– Resolution 2023-170 to approve legal and authorize an ad for the Bridge EF6-3.1 Rehabilitation Project.
– Resolution 2023-171 to approve Draw #8 for MVPO for General Administration and Demolition – B-F-21-1AX-1.
– Resolution 2023-172 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
Following the approval of agenda items the commissioners moved to hold a bid opening for the resurfacing of County Road 5-2, Road 24 and Road S.
With the bid opening finished, Melissa Bodey gave an update for CEBCO before commissioners entered into executive session regarding collective bargaining.
Following executive session, Resolution 2023-174 was approved to ratify collective bargaining agreement 2023 on behalf of the engineer.
With no other items to attend to the meeting was adjourned.
Jacob can be reached at jacob@thevillagereporter.com