The Blakeslee Village Council met on June 5, 2024 at 6 p.m. Presiding was Mayor Eric Jenkins, and alongside him were Robert Mohre, Rosemary Alexander-Thiel, Cletus Radabaugh, Shelly Cox (council President), Linda Muehlfeld, Virgil Green, Fiscal Officer Courtny Osborn, and Police Chief Randy Mohre.
With no visitors to greet, council first moved to approve the minutes from their May meeting, as well as review and approve the monthly financial statements as presented. Receipts were listed at $3,151.92 with payments at $3,119.56.
Resolution 24-002, which approved 2025’s tax rates, was then passed by way of motion. Fiscal Officer Osborn then shared that the state audit has been completed, with everything going well.
It was noted that a retention plan was needed for the village hall, which Osborn promised to create.
She added that two garbage bills remain, with councilor Cox adding that she has already collected payment for one of the delinquent accounts.
Councilor Green reminded everyone that as school gets out, all drivers should be on the lookout for kids, being sure to slow down through town.
Councilor Muehlfeld shared that a meeting with the county engineer has resulted in the assessment of the village’s alleys, with a quote expected to soon be presented to council.
Mayor Jenkins then began his report, sharing that a lower quote has been found for grinding down the sidewalks.
He then added that unfortunately, Blakeslee officials did not submit applications to road sign repair / replacement grants by the deadline, meaning they will have to wait for the next round of sign grants.
Councilor Alexander-Thiel added that a fox has been cited within the village, with residents urged to give the creatures a wide breadth.
With no further business to address, Blakeslee Village Council voted to adjourn, set to meet next July 3, 2024 at 6 p.m.