SCHOOL NEWS Vice President Tyson Stuckey Superintendent Selgo and the rest of the Board take in the Educational Reports as presented by all three principals
By: Amy Wendt
On Monday, November 20 the Board of Education for Archbold School District met at the High School Media Center for its regular November meeting with all members in attendance except President Jeremy Hurst who was absent.
District Treasurer Joyce Kinsman presented to the most recent Board the Five-year Forecast. The five-year forecast acts as a tool for evaluating and communicating a school district’s financial well-being and school districts must submit these forecasts biannually to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
The forecast presented by Kinsman contained three years of history, the current fiscal year, and four years of projections for the General Fund only.
Kinsman noted that the updated November forecast differs from the forecast filed in May due to updated revenue numbers from State Funding.
Later in the meeting, the board gave the green light to submit Kinsman’s five-year forecast to the State of Ohio.
In Educational Reports, Elementary Principal Andrea Thiel shared that all progress reports prepared this year were done so online through Power School rather than by printing as in years past and it went very well.
“We also closed out our fundraiser on November 17th and we crushed our goal of $15,000. Our final number online was $19,565 and we guaranteed at least 90 percent of that,” explained Thiel.
She also noted that the 2nd graders are preparing for their Christmas Program and the elementary is gearing up to take part in the Christmas Cheer fundraiser with the FFA.
Middle School Principal Matt Shields then presented his building’s report offering thanks to Mr. Brian Miller who coordinated the annual Veterans Day Program as well as the local businesses, organizations, and individuals who sponsored the event.
“I really appreciate the turnout we get with our veterans and the impact they have on our students – it’s a great experience for our kids,” Shields noted.
Principal Shields also recognized the Mindset Students for the month noting that the student body is doing a great job recognizing leadership qualities among their peers when choosing those who will receive the award.
Updating the Board on the latest high school happenings, Principal Royal Short thanked Mrs. Whitacre for stepping in and coordinating the fall play for the high school and lauded the students for doing a “fabulous job” for presenting the play.
Principal Short also congratulated Fall Honor Athletes for their ability to excel in their academics while taking part in fall sports.
As a part of the High School’s Christmas Cheer fundraising efforts, as of the day of the meeting, the high school received donations of 150 cans and $250. He also noted that two groups of students will be helping pass donated items out at the event.
It was also noted that there has been much interest in the upcoming quiz team season and a JV team will be added on behalf of Archbold.
Curriculum Director Michele Bagrowski shared with the Board that coming back to the school by popular demand, the RoX program will be returning to the school.
Dr. Jayson Selgo, Superintendent highlighted a few items on the Consensus Agenda for the Board’s consideration. The Board then approved the Consensus Agenda as it was presented.
The October 16, 2023, regular meeting minutes were accepted as were the financial reports for October 2023.
The district received several donations during the month totaling $47,219 which included a $46,090 donation from the Archbold Vocal Music Boosters. The Board also approved a return of an advance, transfer of funds, various appropriation modifications, and estimated resource changes.
The Annual Food and Beverage Standards Report was accepted as were modifications to the school district policy. A transportation agreement for the 2023-2024 school year with Zechariah Whittington was also approved.
Many personnel recommendations were addressed including accepting the paraprofessional substitute list provided by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2023-2024 School Year.
The Board signed off on a salary schedule placement for Mary Gingerich MA who took additional educational courses.
Contracts were approved for Jill Nafziger and Jess Short for Concessions; the resignation of Adam Grisier as musical director was accepted effective November 7, 2023; and an amendment to the contract of Caleb Wyse as musical director from 80% to 100% for the remainder of the year was also approved. Additionally, contracts were approved for Courtney Grisier as Musical Director Assistant, Adam Grisier as Musical Assistant.
Other contracts for various duties were approved for staff including Brenda Beck, Jan Lindsay, Dustie Vocke, Kara Bacik, Amy DeLong, Allison Bentley, Kevin K. Miller, Emily Hammersmith, Bridget Ruffer, Kelly Boulton, Anne McCarty, Ricardo Avila, Michele Bagrowski, Maria (Liz) Croninger, Kevin K. Miller, Andi Nafziger, Dawn Rupp, Jan Lindsay, Allison Bentley, and Madeline Short.
Serving as Volunteer Indoor Track Coaches for the 2023-2024 school year will be Rachel Kinsman, Nate Hammersmith, Pat Leupp, LaRoy Martinez, Chris Baden, Zach Belknap, and Amy Sauder.
Lastly, in personnel recommendations, the Board approved the substitute teacher list provided by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.
In scheduling matters, the 2024 Organizational Board Meeting was set for Monday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m. Jeremy Hurst was appointed to serve as President Pro Tem for purposes of that meeting.
The Board then entered an executive session to discuss the employment, compensation, promotion, or demotion of public employees with no expected action to be taken.
The next regular Archbold Board of Education meeting will be on December 18, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.