An accomplished worship leader, pianist, songwriter, and author of “Into the Deep”, “7 Steps to No Regrets”, and “Rise Above”, Robert Rogers teaches others to “Live a Life of No Regrets” with his inspiring words and original songs at the piano.
Robert experienced a tragedy of Biblical proportions when he lost his precious wife and all four young children in a flash flood in Kansas in 2003.
Everyone is welcome to this inspirational community- wide 1 hour event on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Peter Catholic Church (614 North Defiance Street, Archbold,, Ohio).
There is no admission fee, but there will be a free-will offering opportunity to support Mighty in the Land Ministry.
Bring your families of all ages. Invite Neighbors and Friends. This is truly an “Uplifting Experience” you won’t want to miss !!!