The Bryan City Council met on Monday, April 1, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. After the approval of the minutes from their March 18, 2024 meeting as presented, council welcomed the hearing of any public concerns.
Bill Metz came in, and again told council that he is unsure why they find video transmission of their meetings cost prohibitive.
He stated that he knows of equipment that would do the job for around $1,000 per outfitted room, which is drastically different from the $440,000 quoted to the BPA.
He shared that he feels as though the estimate was not given from a company with the best interests of their clients in mind, and that any safety concerns are already mitigated by the requirements of their network.
He shared too that recently there has been a lag in the posting of the videos, and that residents have been confused as to what platform to listen to.
He said that while council and the BPA agreed to post recordings within 24 to 48 hours of the meetings, they have recently been posted much later.
He shared that, as of that moment, the meeting still had not been posted to their YouTube. Mayor Schlade shared that BMU recently went to switch from YouTube to Spotify as their broadcasting platform, which has since caused confusion, and that she had only known of the change due to recent communication with Director of Utilities Derek Schultz.
She shared that she had just returned to Bryan, and assured Mr. Metz that she would look into the issue with the BPA, as they are the network provider for the city.
He then shared that he has since decided to drop BMU as his internet provider, as the spamming email issue has not been resolved.
He shared that he thinks “it’s time again to look at what we’re really getting out of the BPA. I know that’s a strong statement, but to be honest with you…. you’re being bamboozled.”
Council thanked him for his time and asked that he stay after to confirm his contact information.
Ordinance 12-2024, which approved appropriations for an insurance reimbursement received by the streets department for the street sweeper.
Due to the recent Street Department Union negotiations, a request was then approved to raise the pay of the street commissioner.
Conversation was then held on possible low-speed vehicle ordinance, which would apply to golf carts. This would require the vehicles to pass inspection and be tagged for use.
It was also shared that a first reading of the ordinance would be put on the April 15th agenda, so that anyone may come in to hear the discussion or share their thoughts.

An automatic submission and renewal for liquor permits was discussed, with it being shared that the chief of police had no issues with any of the establishments on the renewal list. They have the right to object through May if they deem it necessary.
More discussion was held on the pros and cons of golf carts, with it being shared that, historically, the city has been against them due to two state highways and high Main and High Street speeds.
With nothing further to address, the Bryan City Council then voted to adjourn, set to meet next on April 15, 2024.