PERMISSION GRANTED The Bryan City Council voted unanimously to give the city engineer permission to apply for the 2024 2025 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant on behalf of both the City of Bryan and BMU
By: Anna Wozniak
The Bryan City Council met on December 4, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. Present were John Lehner, Mayor Carrie Schlade, Council President Richard Hupe, Council Vice President Judy Yahraus, John Betts, Mary Leatherman, and Jim Kozumplik.
After the pledge of allegiance, council approved the minutes from their November 20th meeting as presented and their November 27th, 2023 meeting as amended to clarify discussion.
Then approved were amended appropriations for the Parks Department and BMU for the South Lynn Street Waterline Project.
A transfer of funds was then approved for the balancing of the month of December, as well as the closing out of a temporary project related account.
A change order to extend the South Portland Street project was approved before three ordinances related to marijuana dispensaries, cultivators, and operators were given their second reading, with one amendment to change the terminology from “growing” marijuana on public property to “growing, selling, and otherwise distributing” marijuana on public property.”
A resolution authorizing the city engineer to apply for the 2024-2025 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant for the city and BMU was then approved on its first reading after a suspension of the rules.
Tim and Moe Ridi were then welcomed before council, sharing their plans to expand their business in Bryan.
Council thanked them for their local investment before unanimously voting to approve a building permit for a Ridi Stores LLC renovation at 1108 South Main Street.
Mayor Schlade then shared her thanks for those who shared in the successes of both the Santa Parade and the Christkindl Market before sharing that she will be attending a meeting with the governor and WCPA members to discuss how to embark on the senior housing aspect of the current housing crisis faced by Williams County.
Council was then distributed the updated planning and zoning codes before they thanked the Ridis for visiting, entering into executive session at 5:53 p.m.
Upon exiting executive session, council voted to appoint Stephen Alspaugh to the Ward 4 Bryan City Council position, with this appointment effective January 1, 2024, before adjourning their meeting.