WILLIAMS SWCD BOARD … Dawn Bowling is the newest member of the Williams SWCD Board of Supervisors. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
By: Anna Wozniak
Dawn Bowling, influenced by at least four generations of family members, has always loved this land.
Passionate about agriculture, after graduating from Edon High School in 1983, Dawn went to Michigan State University and obtained an Agricultural Business Degree.
Ms. Dawn Coleman married Mr. Jeff Bowling in 1987, later welcoming three children. Kelsie (Davis), born in 1989 and Isaac, born in 1993, both reside in Louisville, Kentucky. Youngest son Griffin, born in 1996, resides in Dallas, Texas.
Mrs. Bowling has had a lot of jobs working with grain producers, and a large part of her life has been devoted to working with agricultural cooperatives.
She is currently a Grain Solutions Advisor for Sunrise Cooperative based out of Fremont, Ohio.
Bowling is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Carol Coleman, of Edon. The Coleman Home and Home Acres, LLC has been the family home for at least four generations, running on Mrs. Carol Colman’s Saber and then Huard family line.
When Mrs. Bowling is not working to help producers mitigate the risks of marketing their products, she can be found visiting her mother, Carol, with her sisters, Tammy Fritch, of Edon, and Ann Graham, of Arcadia, at what they all know as their childhood home.
Mrs. Bowling also likes to make an effort to spend time with her family, going on various outdoor excursions and staying near Douglas Lake in July.
The Bowlings are happy to be back in the area, and Dawn is excited to do what she loves while spending time with their two-year-old granddaughter and preparing for one that is currently on the way.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com