HONORARY DEGREE Schlatter Farms received the Delta FFA Chapter Honorary Degree Luke Elizabeth Nichole and Bob Schlatter
By: Abbigail Savage
Delta, OH – The Delta FFA Chapter held its annual banquet on Saturday, April 27th, in the Delta High School gym and auditorium. During the banquet members’ accomplishments throughout the year were recognized.
The night began with a delicious dinner, desserts, and refreshments for guests to enjoy. Delta FFA members have worked hard all year to earn various awards and degrees this year.
There were 36 members that received their Greenhand Degree. This is the first degree an FFA member can apply for. The second degree is the Chapter Degree. There were 24 members that earned their chapter degree. The third degree is the State Degree. There were 6 members who earned that degree and were recognized on stage in May during the State FFA Convention.
The Star Greenhand Award is given to a first-year member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, scholastic achievement, and has been an active chapter member. This year the Star Greenhand Award was presented to Gracyn Pelton.
The Star Chapter Award is given to the FFA member(s) who showed true qualities of leadership and outstanding chapter work. The recipients of this award were Abbigail Savage and Carlie Mitchell.
The Junior Achievement Award mirrors the Dekalb Award. This award was presented to Walter Hallett. The DEKALB Agricultural Accomplishment Award is awarded to an FFA student per chapter who exemplifies scholarship, commitment, work ethic and passion for pursuing a career in agriculture.
This student demonstrates promising young talent and is the rising star of agriculture. This award is given to one senior who has gone above and beyond the expectations of a FFA member. This year our DEKALB Award winner was Hannah Barnes and Luke Snyder.
Receiving Outstanding Class awards were: Outstanding Freshman – Jayda Graham, Outstanding Sophomore – Jordinn Heinemann and Allison Earl, Outstanding Junior – Olivia Tipton, and Outstanding Senior -Kendra Ehrsam and Sarah Richardson.
The Honorary Chapter Degree is given to community members. Their support of our chapter has helped advance agricultural education and render outstanding service to the FFA and the agricultural program. This year’s Honorary Chapter Degree recipients are Schlatter Farms and Mrs. Janet Falor.
Other members were recognized for competing in Career Development Events (CDE’s). Some CDE contests the students participated in include outdoor power, livestock judging, public speaking, soil judging, and Greenhand Quiz. Also recognized were students who placed in the top four for Trap shoot, Fall Fruit Fundraiser, and Spring Flower Fundraiser.
The banquet concluded with the installation of the 2024-2025 chapter officer team – Ryan Graham (Student Advisor), Jayda Graham (Sentinel), Jordinn Heinemann (Reporter), Gracyn Pelton (Treasurer), Allison Earl (Secretary), Abbigail Savage (Vice President), and Walter Hallett (President).
The Delta FFA would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members, families, community members, school staff and administrators, and industry partners for their support.