Scouts attending ceremony … Pictured above (left to right): Jason Vasko, Karson Schrock, Lincoln Vasko, Noah Nagel, August Ruby, and Matt Schrock (leader 3 years).
By: Beth Clark
Saturday, January 28, 2023, a local Fulton County Eagle Scout, Noah Nagel, was honored in a ceremony held for Noah’s Donation of his designed and constructed Bench to New Horizons Academy, 220 Lawrence Avenue, Wauseon, Ohio.
New Horizons Academy is an educational facility for children with special needs offering “holistic, all-encompassing educational path for children who have special learning needs.” The Academy is part of Sarah’s Garden, a Center for Educational Advancement.
Noah is a senior at the school and he led the students in the construction of the donated bench and with every student at his school, they’ve all learned and practiced teamwork.
From start to finish there was a sign of true camaraderie at the Academy and in Scouting, thus, cementing many friendships.
Leadership is the “requirement” by the Scouts of America to earn the Eagle Scout achievement, and all Eagle Scout Projects are to be “preapproved to benefit a nonprofit Organization, Government, Schools and Parks.”
This is according to Erika Dutcher who faithfully serves and supports almost all matters of Scouting by coaching and fundraising, while overseeing five counties in Northwest Ohio: Williams, Fulton, Defiance, Henry and Paulding.
Volunteers and donations are always welcome and appreciated. To directly donate to Scouts of America, go to and click donate now.
SCOUTING IS FOR ALL KIDS! Scouting is where kids come and become a part of the learning experience. There are no double standards.
Noah’s teaching skills, his leadership skills, and talents of a craftsman are valuable for the rest of his life.
The Eagle Scout Project included invaluable lifetime experience. If interested in Scouting, go to
The presentation started with Jason Vasko, Scoutmaster, at the podium introducing Noah followed by a warm welcome of applause. Scoutmaster Vasko said how proud the scouts are of Noah and for how far he has come.
Noah’s parents, Greg and Lory Nagel, are extremely proud and happy with his excellent demeanor scouting has influenced and giving Noah such mentorship.
Noah’s scouting and his love for New Horizons gave him the inspiration for the Eagle Scout Project donating his crafted bench to his own school, and a business endeavor has also been part of his training and service.
The students have been entrusted to operate a bistro now called “Special Grounds” located on Shoop Avenue South of the hospital in Wauseon.
The special needs students are working hard to make the coffee shop a success and invite all to visit and try their expresso, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, smoothies, cookie, sandwiches and sweet and savory treats.
Noah is a Barista at Special Grounds. What doesn’t Noah do? How blessed is he and are we friends in the community to see all the progress that scouting and an education does for one willing to try.
The coffee bistro is managed by Trishelle Suess and works with her husband, John Suess, and we thank them for their dedication with the students and scouts. Jessica is smiling at the drive-up window accepting credit cards and cash for SUPPORTING the kids and their business.
It takes a “VILLAGE” and Noah is proof. It took a village to raise Noah’s non-profit budget for his Eagle Scout Project. The Scouts of America teach leadership skills, confidence, and general good conduct.
Noah’s favorite summer activity is CAMPING! He’s attended scout camp since he was able and joined Camp Lakota as paid summer help in 2022 and cannot wait for 2023 Camp Season.
Noah’s best advice it, “All kids should know about scouting and join Scouts of America because it’s a wonderful program!”
Interesting fact: Camp Lakota added Camp Armstrong on its south end, and together they serve as far as Wapakanetta.
The camp earned its name after Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon in 1969. Neil was also an Eagle Scout in Wapak and he loved it.
Scouting is no longer identified as a girl or boy scout, but Scouting of America (although BSA and GSA are still valid organizations in the transitional time). Cub Scouts are elementary children.
Eleven years up to high school, they have all boy troops and all girl troops; however, small communities combine them.
At Camp Lakota the kids are separated in girls camping area only and boys camping area only, and many of the Programs are “co-ed.”
Traditionally scouting ages were K-17, and now they are K-20 or K-High School. Scouting is less about merit badges and more about life skills.
The first ever female participant Eagle Scout is Ashtyn Wyrick from the Village of Montpelier. She and the second Eagle Scout from Edgerton were both Scouts of America’s Inaugural Class of the nation.
Noah’s Scoutmaster, Jason Nagel is a college professor and consultant, and has served scouting for seven years and has been leading this scout troop for the last three years. Northwest Ohio is certainly growing Scouts with lessons learned and new friendships for a lifetime.
Beth may be reached at