PUBLIC SPEAKING These three Edgerton FFA Members participated in the Sub District and District Public Speaking Contest Avery Perez Brantley Shankster and Ava Herman
On Monday, January 29 three Edgerton FFA Members made their way to the Sub-District Public Speaking Event at Ayersville High School.
Avery Perez and Ava Herman participated in the Advanced Prepared Public Speaking contest. They both spent many hours writing and preparing their speeches.
Avery wrote his about invasive species and Ava wrote hers about the mental health in farmers. They had to make sure their speeches were at least six minutes in length, they needed to memorize and prepare their speech to be delivered in a professional manner.
We are so proud of the hard work they put in. Our third member, Brantley Shankster, participated in the FFA Creed Speaking contest.
Brantley was expected to memorize the five paragraphs of the FFA Creed and be able to answer questions relating to the FFA Creed. He did very well in the preparation for this contest. Brantley placed 1st in the Sub-District Contest.
The three Edgerton FFA Members traveled to Fairview High School on February 6, where they participated in the District Public Speaking Contest. All three did very well in the respective divisions.
We are proud of the time and dedication they all showed in preparing for the Public Speaking Contest.