The Evergreen Board of Education held their meeting on Monday, December 19th. The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance before moving to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on November 21st.
The following agenda items were approved next by the board. The November 2022 financial reports, including the cash reconciliation, financial summary, cash summary, and disbursement summary.
A donation made to the school’s student assistance fund in the amount of $100.00.
An auxiliary services agreement with the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $88,338.60 for services of Auxiliary Services personnel for the benefit of Holy Trinity School and to amend resources and modify appropriations accordingly.
Numerous personnel recommendations were passed before moving on to approve the additional agenda items.
The 2023-2024 District School Calendar and tentative 2024-2025 District School Calendar.
A recommendation to join in the membership of the Ohio School Board Association at a cost of $5,504.00 for 2023.
An update to the Evergreen Facility Usage Fee schedule for all school buildings. An overnight trip for Evergreen agriculture student, Meegan Gleckler and teacher, Alexis Howell, to travel to the Next Gen: Animal Systems Conference in Denver, Colorado for educational workshops and to explore animal science careers.
The board then moved to commend the Evergreen High School Quiz Team members for qualifying for the National Competition and approved an overnight trip for ten team members to compete in the National Academic Quiz Bowl Tournament in Chicago, Illinois.
Advisor Bill Blanchong and other parent chaperones will accompany the team to the competition in April 2023.
The board then moved to set the organizational meeting for January 9th, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. with the regular meeting following right after.
The president pro tem for the meeting was then selected before moving on to discuss district information.
A potential for the fifth-grade class to be moved to the middle school for the next school year then was discussed.
Benefits presented to the board for the move include the following: the creation of a 5th and 6th grade cohort as well as a 7th and 8th grade cohort that will operate separately from each other, including a differing bell schedule.
Additional opportunities were listed as additional time in core subjects, more balanced class sizes, and the addition of advanced, honors and gifted classes.
Specific details regarding room assignments, room schedules, program schedules and the transition plan were not finalized.
Next, reports were given by the school principals and student service director before the board entered into executive session.
Following executive session, the meeting was adjourned.