ATTENDING NATIONAL CONVENTION Back row left to right Taylor Johnson Max Mossing Luke Robertson Lester Swartz Andrew Bettinger Will Ruetz Meegan Gleckler Front row left to right Addison Natter Jessica Cambell Lilly Herr Breaden Studenka Brody Studenka Riley Studenka Kate Wyse Carson Wyse
Fifteen Evergreen FFA attended the National Convention October 31 – November 3 in Indianapolis, Indiana where over 70,000 FFA members from across the country gathered.
For the Evergreen FFA, the trip consisted of several agricultural related tours, a career expo, and general convention sessions. The tours the members took part in were Spangler’s Candy Factory in Bryan, Ohio, Fair Oak Farms in Farm Oaks, Indiana, and Beck’s Hybrids in Atlanta, Ohio.
While at the convention, members were able to explore the career expo at the Indiana Convention Center and met numerous agricultural representatives from various agricultural companies. Members had the opportunity to put their “Living to Serve” in action by helping at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.