CLEANING UP VILLAGE … Fayette Village Council listening to concerns regarding rundown properties in advance of the community’s sesquicentennial celebration. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The March 8, 2023 Fayette Village Council Meeting started at 6 p.m. with a prayer, the pledge of allegiance, and roll call.
Mayor Dave Borer and Councilors Suzette Boesger, Bryan Stambaugh, Rodney Kessler, Kim Priestap, and Chris Meeker were all present.
Karen King of Fulton County CDC expressed concern over blight issues in Fayette, with extra attention being paid to rundown properties due to the sesquicentennial celebration.
King expressed that there may be plans to give community members incentive/help to clean up their properties.
Normal Memorial Library is having a Cook the Book Club March 23, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The theme is “I saw it on television,” and participants will pick and prepare a recipe from a cookbook from a television show and bring the dish in.
The Fayette Garden & Beautification Club are putting together a Celebration Cookbook for the sesquicentennial anniversary of Fayette.
They are asking for old family recipes to be submitted by April 15, 2023 to
The Fayette Garden & Beautification Club will be hosting two different fundraising events. One, at $40 per person, will be located at The Normal Memorial Library at 12 p.m. on Saturday May 6, 2023; this event will feature the painting of sunflowers.
The other, hosted at One More Bar at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 20, 2023, will feature a paint and sip at $40 per person.
Fayette Garden & Beautification Club is also doing a sesquicentennial celebration T-shirt fundraiser and asking for the public’s help to design the shirt.
Anyone interested in participating please submit your design by May 30, 2023 to
Submissions will be voted on via the “What’s Happening in Fayette” Facebook page, where people can also stay updated on the annual lilly fundraiser.
Fayette’s Royal Bull Thistle Arts Festival committee is having their Second Annual Thistle Run 5K, April 29, 2023. Registration and waiver forms are available at the Fayette Post Office for anyone wanting to participate.
The Village of Fayette is working on a water service line survey so that anyone with lead lines can get them replaced.
Flyers are located around town with the survey, and the same flyer has been added to March’s sewer/water bill.
The administrator’s report included relating the commencement of a traffic study along US 20, as well as a word touching on the drug epidemic within Ohio. The Ohio EPA will be conducting an inspection sometime on March 21st.
Council left Ordinance 2023-03 on its first reading, and approved planning a water project with the OWDA in Ordinance 2023-04.
Council also accepted two bids, one for a farm ground rental and the other for 24-hour on-call equipment rental.
Councilor Stambaugh addressed the public’s concern on when recycling would return to Fayette by announcing that recycling drop off is going to occur on one of the days in the fourth weekend of every month starting in April.
The recycling program will be conducted entirely off by volunteers. The Fayette Village Council made a movement to adjourn at 6:45 p.m.
Anna can be reached at