COUNCIL … Members of the Fayette Village Council and Mayor Borer listen to reports delivered during the July 24th, 2024, meeting.
By: Jacob Kessler
The Fayette Village Council held their meeting on Wednesday, July 24th. The meeting began at 6:01 p.m. with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council first moved to approve the current agenda, along with minutes from the regular meeting held on July 10th, and minutes from the Public Works Committee meeting and Finance Committee meeting held on July 17th.
With no visitors present, council heard a report from the mayor. The farmers markets are still taking place on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
The final market will be held on September 29th. August 3rd will also feature the Bull Thistle Festival instead of the farmer’s market. The parade will be held at 11:00 a.m. with applications still available at the post office.
The men’s league softball games are still going on, with the final one scheduled for August 16th. Summer Learning Friends events were then discussed along the Methodist Ice Cream Social coming up at the Family Life Center on August 2nd from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Lastly, Mayor Borer moved to appoint Jessica Swander to the position of Village Fiscal Officer, effective on August 1st, 2024.

The administrator followed next, with the following items being discussed. Phase 1 completed service line work along Main Street last week. Most work on the north side of town has been completed, leaving mainly pavement replacement left to complete where needed.
The Christian Church Disciples have donated money towards the bench for the splash pad. Guard rail construction has also started along with sidewalk prep.
Also, Phase 1 came in under what was estimated so, some items from Phase 2 were transferred to Phase 1 in order to use money already set aside. The administrator’s report was then approved and was followed by the VFO’s report.
VFO Karin Sauerlender first stated a change had been made to the bill list. She also stated that this is her last council meeting and that she has enjoyed working for the village and with all of council and is looking forward to retirement.
Discussion then shifted to budgets, with the police department being highlighted for being right where they were expected to be. The police levy was discussed next, along with a proposed hours of operation change for the village office.
Council then moved to approve the VFO’s report before thanking her for her service and applauding her. Bills were then approved in the amount of $103,420.44 before moving to approve the following items.
The first reading of Resolution 2024-06 authorizing the Mayor of the Village of Fayette, to apply for, accept, and enter into a water supply revolving loan account agreement on behalf of the Village of Fayette for the construction of water facilities.
A motion to amend the employee handbook to change office hours to 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. effective August 5th, 2024. A motion to approve payment to Bryan Excavating Pay Request #9 in the amount of $430,568.69 ($2360.00 of which is for lead services).

A motion to remove Karin Sauerlender and add Jessica Swander and Richard Bingham to the Sherwood FOJ account effective August 1st, 2024.
A motion to remove Karin Sauerlender and add Jessica Swander and Bryan Stambaugh to the Sherwood Checking Account effective August 1st, 2024.
A motion to remove Karin Sauerlender and add Jessica Swander to the Sherwood Park and Rec account effective August 1st, 2024.
With no additional items to attend to, council moved to adjourn at 6:34 p.m.