NEWEST FAYETTE COUNCIL MEMBER Katie Colegrove was officially sworn in as the newest member of the Fayette Village Council by Mayor David Borer at the beginning of their October 11 2023 meeting
By: Anna Wozniak
The Fayette Village Council met on October 11, 2023 at 6 p.m. After a prayer and the pledge of allegiance, the minutes from the September 27, 2023 council, October 4, 2023 safety committee, and October 4, 2023 government affairs committee meetings were approved as presented before Mayor David Borer entertained a vote to enter into executive session for the appointment of a public official.
The seat left open by ex-councilor, now Village Administrator, Bryan Stambaugh was officially filled by Katie Colegrove with a unanimous vote by Councilors Brittany Theis, Greg Gable, Suzette Boesger, Kimberly Priestap, and Brenda Shoemaker upon their return to regular session at 6:11 p.m.
Karen King shared the most recent happenings with the CDC, as well as an update on the disc golf course completion, sharing the hope for a ribbon cutting ceremony to happen before November 1st.
Councilor Boesger shared that there will be a My Turn special needs event at the school wherein students will be exposed to resources within their community. There will be pizza and a presentation for this on October 19, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Councilor Theis shared that there are three more farmers markets yet to be seen until the season ends on October 28, with details for the December 9 Winter Market and Santa parade still being finalized.
Councilor Shoemaker then shared a plea that more locals come to the Fayette Opera House, as it is a landmark and should receive local support.
In its 125th year, the Fayette Opera House will be holding a Down Home at the Opera House: Country, Gospel, and Bluegrass Show October 28, 2023 at 7 p.m., featuring performances by Heidi Paxton, Steve Snider, and Bliss. November 5, 2023 will see the showing of dinner and silent movie The Kid Brother at 12:30 p.m.
November 18, 2023 will see a 7 p.m. will see a Pickin Roots show, December 2, 2023 will see a 7 p.m.
Siberian Solstice Trans-Siberian tribute, and December 16, 2023 will feature A Clark Family Christmas at 7 p.m.
Anyone interested in purchasing tickets for this event should call (419) 237-3111 or visit www.operahouse-fayette.org , or visit the Fayette Opera House on Facebook.
Mayor Borer then began giving his report, which included details of T22 Farms (21242 CR T, Fayette, Oh) being open Fridays and Saturdays from 12-8 p.m., and Sundays from 12-6 p.m. throughout October.
He also shared that the Bean Creek Valley History Center is conducting fundraising efforts with the sale of Gorham Township Barn calendars for 2024 for $15.
The Fayette Methodist Church free community meal will be on October 18 from 5-6 p.m. at the Family Life Center.
Recycling is to take place on October 29, and residents are again asked to enter off of North Fayette Street and exit onto Eagle Street, and bring only plastic 1 and 2, newspaper, aluminum and tin cans, and cardboard.
The Fayette Local Schools will be hosting a pancake and sausage supper on October 24, 2023 from 5-7 p.m., with all you can eat $8 for adults, $5 10 and under, with 2 and under eating free at the high school gym.
Trick-or-Treating will be held on October 31 from 6-7:30 p.m., with the Firehouse serving CDC-sponsored hotdogs from 6-7 p.m. and Firebells-sponsored cider, punch, and donuts beginning at 7:30 p.m. The fire whistle will sound when trick-or-treating is to start and end.
The Fayette Volunteer Fire Department Association will be hosting its 2023 Feather Party on November 4, 2023 at the high school gym, with the doors opening at 5 p.m.
Mayor Borer then shared that the 2023 Cops and Donuts event will be held at the Fayette Opera House on November 18 from 9-11 a.m. for the community to come meet the officers dedicated to serving and protecting them.
If you are one of the households that has been randomly selected for an income survey, please fill out and return this survey.
Mayor Borer shared that virtually all income surveys need to be returned so that the village can qualify for some much-needed grant funding. The waterline survey is ongoing, with RCAP workers walking around people’s properties.
Borer shared that a total eclipse will happen on April 8, 2024, before his report was approved as presented.
Police Chief Richard Bingham shared that handgun training and certifications are to take place in Wauseon soon, as well as the village’s need for more handguns.
With the two new hires on the schedule, there would be a shortage of firearms. There are some abandoned firearms that are being looked at for trade-in to help compensate for the purchase of two new handguns.
The first ever report given by new Village Administrator Bryan Stambaugh was then given, with details of an October 3, 2023 meeting with TMACOG representatives in Wauseon to discuss the growing need for municipalities to make zoning codes and ordinances around electric charging stations, as well as the introduction of “kid” councils.
He then shared that his first week as village administrator is going well, and that he is looking forward to working with the “fantastic” and “very helpful” team at the Village of Fayette before his report was approved.
The bills were then approved as presented before the reading of ordinances and resolutions commenced, with Resolution 2023-06 having the rules suspended in order to pass on its second reading due to time constraints.
Also approved were motions allowing a maintenance agreement with NECO, the signage of the Flock Camera Agreement, the addition of Chief Bingham to the Sherwood State Bank account, the addition of Village Administrator Bryan Stambaugh to the accounts at Premier and Sherwood State Banks, the hire of Dave Schweinhagen and Jett Riffle as police officers, and the waiving of a hearing and agreement to the alternate plan of apportionment of the Local Government Fund and acceptance of $41,835.41 for the Undivided Local Government Fund.
With nothing further to address, the Fayette Village Council voted to adjourn their meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com