Fifteen Four County Career Center students recently participated in the 26th Annual Northwest Ohio Student Leadership Conference held at Defiance College. In an effort to recognize the importance and encourage area high schools to work more closely together on leadership activities, students in leadership roles from 32 high schools in the seven county area attended the day event. The keynote speaker for the day was Tim Shegitz, a top leadership speaker who combines excellent communication skills and a sense of humor through magic throughout his presention. Shegitz is also a graduate of Montpelier High School. Shown with Shegitz are Career Center students (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Alicia Ronau (Evergreen) Veterinarian Assistant; Derek Mohr (Tinora) Accounting & Business Management; Andrea Lutz (Edon) Health Careers; Nikole Kern (Delta) Cosmetology; Jessica Vasquez (Fairview) Interior Design; Mariah Ankney (Fairview) Medical Office Technology; Kari Oberlin (Stryker) Health Careers; Bree Youse (Pettisville) Accounting & Business Management; (BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Jordan Farr (Napoleon) Veterinarian Assistant; Ashley Gilbert (Napoleon) Health Careers; Thomas Shaffer (Fairview) Accounting & Business Management; McKenzie Hall (Tinora) Cosmetology; Shegitz; Diamond Walters (Hicksville) Early Childhood Education; Katelyn Brown (Hicksville) Commercial Art; and Connor Graham (Ayersville) Computer Networking & Repair.
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