Upcoming Events:
-February 1 & 15 Faith Topics with Sandy
-February 8 & 22 Bible Study with Roger
-February 15 Card making with Deb B. (sign up)
-February 16 Painting with Peggy N. (sign up)
-February 20 ALL SITES CLOSED for Presidents Day
-February 23 Free Program, Health Advance Directives, first class of three with Legal Aid
Details on the three upcoming upcoming Free Legal Classes – Plan to attend this free Legal Information Class on Thursday, February 23 at 1 pm in the BINGO room at Fulton County Senior Center, 240 Clinton Street, Wauseon.
The class is the first in a series of three classes offered by Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. You do not need to attend all three classes. You can pick and choose.
The February 23 class is on Health Advance Directives. Learn how you can let someone else make health care decisions when you cannot.
This includes a clinic on Living Will and Health Care Power of Attorney Preparation. Call 419-337-9299 to register before February 8.
Thursday, March 30 at 1 pm in the BINGO room at Fulton County Senior Center, 240 Clinton Street, Wauseon, attend Financial POAs Power of Attorneys and More Class: learn how you can let someone else make financial decisions when you cannot.
Call 419-337-9299 to register for this Financial POA class before March 15.
On Thursday, April 20 at 1 pm in the BINGO room at Fulton County Senior Center, 240 Clinton Street, Wauseon, register to attend Wills and Estates Class: learn ways you can transfer your property when you die. Document preparation of Last Will & Testament.
Call 419-337-9299 to register for the Wills & Estates class before April 5. All services are free to eligible applicants and offered by Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc.
TOENAIL APPOINTMENTS – Community Health Professionals will provide toenail clinic appointments at three of the Fulton County Senior Center sites in 2023.
Toenail appointments will be offered at Archbold Senior Center, inside the Scout Cabin on Tuesday, February 21. Appointments at Fayette Senior Center are available on Monday, February 27.
The Wauseon site at 240 Clinton Street is taking appointments for a toenail clinic on Wednesday, March 22. Call 419-337-9299 to reserve your spot for any of these dates.
A $15 donation per person will be accepted at each clinic. Please soak your feet for 30 minutes before coming to the clinic so your nails will be softer and easier to work with.
If you are diabetic, please indicate that when you sign up for your appointment.
WHERE’S VAL IN 2023? – Val Edwards, Information & Referral Specialist, will take appointments at the following locations.
Get help understanding Medicare and Social Security issues, insurance, bills, completing applications, and more. Please make an appointment well in advance with Val for any of these dates by calling 419-337-9299.
Val’s services are offered at no cost to seniors in partnership with Wyse Commons and the local libraries. Wednesday, February 8, from 10:00 am to noon at the Delta Library. Thursday, February 16, from 10:00 am to noon at the Swanton Library. Thursday, February 23, from 10:00 am to noon at Wyse Commons on the Fairlawn campus. V
al has some appointments available to meet with seniors at the Fulton County Senior Center, 240 Clinton Street, Wauseon.
TAX HELP IS BACK – Northwest Ohio Community Action Commission (NOCAC) assists seniors with tax preparation. NOCAC is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) partner.
The VITA program allows NOCAC to provide free preparation services for federal, state, and school districts taxes.
Citizens will be responsible for filing their city taxes as in previous years. By appointment only. Tax clinics will be held at Crossroads Church, Wauseon and the Delta Library.
If you are interested in making an appointment, call the designated tax line (419) 990-5134. Or, you may send an email to taxes@nocac.org.
WINTER WEATHER ALERTS – Have you taken action and stocked up on a few shelf- stable meals in your kitchen in the unlikely event that bad weather closes our Senior Center kitchen?
In addition, the meal deliverers thank everyone in advance for providing a safe way to bring your meal to your door.
Your meal delivery driver appreciates it when you make their safety a priority and arrange to keep your driveway and sidewalks clear of snow and ice.
If bad weather cancels Senior Center events, you can expect to receive a phone call from our automated phone system.
One Call Now will provide you with instructions in the event of a Level 2 or Level 3 snow emergency. Level 2 or 3 will cancel meals and all programs and activities.
HEATING BILL ASSISTANCE – Winter weather and cold temps are here. Northwestern Ohio Community Action Commission continues to offer help with heating costs.
Winter Crisis Program provides a benefit once per heating season to an income-eligible customer’s main and/or electric accounts.
The benefit can be used by eligible households that are disconnected (or have a pending disconnection notice), need to establish new service, possible furnace repairs up to $500 or have 25 percent (or less) of bulk fuel supply remaining. Households must be at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Certain documentation is required. The program runs until March 31, 2023.
Please call the appointment hotline number 1-419-219-4641 to schedule an appointment. For additional questions, call 419-337- 8601.
You will need social security number and utility account information when scheduling an appointment.