HISTORIC BUILDING The chapel was finished in 1866 with the fellowship hall being added in 2004 The wood used for the chapel came from the clearing across the street where the cabin used as a church and schoolhouse built in 1833 and donated in 1835 by Joseph Bates used to stand
By: Anna Wozniak
In 1866, the hopes of a congregation that saw its meager beginning in a cabin in 1835 were realized.
In 1860, the congregation of what was Franklin Township decided their flock of 80 natives of what would eventually become Fulton County needed more space than the cabin donated by Joseph Bates could provide.
A plan was then devised where local sawmill owner John Shillings would harvest wood from land he owned across the street from the Bates property, half a mile North of US 20A and about 3 miles east of West Unity at what is now 8475 CO 26-2, Archbold, OH, and then use Bates Run Creek to transport it to his sawmill for processing.
This community project ended with the erection of a proper church and schoolhouse, which saw its first sermon on Sunday, October 28, 1866.
In 1880 the pulpit, which is still in use today, was built. In 1955, a basement was added. In the 1970s, a room was added for Sunday school.
The largest modifications happened in 2004 when new restrooms, a kitchen, and a wheelchair accessible fellowship hall were added to the property. The last update happened when the belfry was replaced in 2009.
After 157 years of standing, another chapter to the history of this church is ready to be added to the books.
A popular non-denominational Pentecostal church located at 6265 E CR 800N Ray, Indiana, has found itself with a quickly growing flock of around 70 from all over the tri-state area.
Pastor John L. Winright will be ringing in this historic location’s 157th year as a place of worship, with Revelation Chapel’s first service at this location set to take place by Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023 at 6 p.m.
He also preaches at their Ray location, and as such, their West Unity services will take place Saturday nights at 6 p.m. until clergy is appointed to the new location.
A lot has happened in the 188 years since residents of what used to be Franklin Township banded together to create a place of worship, and Pastor Winright hopes to influence this current chapter to reflect “a church of love and encouragement.”
Pastor Winright encourages visits to his sermons (which happen at 10:10 a.m. and are streamed on their Facebook page), and, as always, reminds us to “only believe, and never give up.”
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com