NO CHICKEN BBQ Lyons Village Council members discuss news regarding the annual Chicken BBQ event
By: Jacob Kessler
Members of the Lyons Village Council held their meeting on Monday, May 6th. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with council hearing from Executive Director of TMACOG, Sandy Spang. Several topics were discussed, with most revolving around different types of grant opportunities available.
Some of these involved the village’s hope to obtain grant help for a new water tower. Ways to write grants were also discussed, with it being explained by Spang that equity, workforce, and climate resilience are key items when organizations look at grants under the current administration.
The employee report was then discussed, with it being stated TTHM testing will take place between the 8th and 14th of May. No salt order was placed for this year due to having enough from last year’s supply.
Moving to old business, the new Dollar General construction is moving along. Video from the demolition of the grain silo was available to council members who would like to see some, including iPad and drone video.
Work is being done to file for a new grant opportunity put out by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur’s office. The grant is called the FY24 Reconnect Loan and Grant Program, with CT Consultants currently working to apply for the grant.
Additional topics discussed under old business included a new zoning book, Economic Development Awards Dinner update, and grants that were previously applied for.
Council then stated the next meeting will be held on June 3rd, before moving on to discuss this year’s Chicken BBQ. It was stated at this time the chicken BBQ event as it has been in the past will not take place.
The basketball and volleyball tournaments may still go on but with softball being harder and harder to obtain, and with concessions possibly being closed this year, it was decided to no longer hold the event.
Other factors have also come into play which led to the decision as well. The Lyons-Royalton Fire Department may still sell chicken at the Fire Hall, but nothing has been confirmed for any of the events.
Next, council was asked to allow a purchase of Ohio Software, which will help the village consolidate everything normally asked for by the EPA. This will help with service line data and keep everything in one place.
The cost of the software was quoted at $925.00. additional items were then discussed before moving on to hear the Sheriff’s report.
The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office spent 68.5 hours in Lyons throughout the past month. Four traffic citations and four warnings were given out. Council then moved to adjourn at 8:24 p.m.