BEAN TASTING Places all around town were participating in a bean tasting Friday to celebrate Montpelier Bean Days VIEW 108 PHOTOS OF THIS EVENT FOR FREE AT WWWTHEVILLAGEREPORTERCOM
By: Anna Wozniak
Montpelier saw quite the gathering on Saturday, July 14, 2023. As the village participated in sales and various free-will donations, an Empire Street car show, music, and bean-tasting occurred.

Families then gathered at Founders Park for carnival-like entertainment with bounce houses, face painting, balloon animals, arts and crafts, and more.

Later on, the evening was wrapped up with a concert featuring Lady Anemoia.

Saturday’s plans were foiled by heavy rain, but officials put on a float show on Empire Street to make up for it once the sky cleared.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com