PROUD OF RESULTS Montpelier Recreation Director Sandra Gordon shortly after stating that it really feels like there is a lot of positive momentum right now and a lot of good things happening in the community
By: Anna Wozniak
Montpelier Parks Board has been hard at work preparing the pool and splash pad for the busy season and is just waiting to pass inspection before opening the doors.
Fields have been prepared for games, and summer help has arrived in the form of out-of-school teens Hayden Sharps and Griffin Cooley.
Storrer Park was a hot topic during the meeting, as internet issues led to the disconnection of the camera that would have caught the vandals that made more work for the parks department by trashing the bathrooms with fecal matter and defacing the tables.
The syncing issues have been fixed, and now the area is being monitored daily so that future miscreants can be caught and hopefully dissuaded from damaging more nice things.
Proper estimates for the Iron Horse River Trail are being made this week, and Jason Rockey reported that this more accurate estimate should help obtain bids to get the project completed by the end of next summer.
The first audit of two years happened in May, and Gordon was busy providing the Williams County Auditor with the financial reports of that two-year span.
Recreation Director Sandra Gordon then spoke about the positive momentum that can be felt as summer creeps into Montpelier before the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on July 5, 2023 at 932 South Pleasant Street.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com