2023 2024 BOE MEMBERS The 2023 2024 North Central Local Schools Board of Education members were all present at their September 19 2023 session Left to right are Katie Burt Chuck Haynes Superintendent Michael Bute Anthony Burnett Treasurer Eric Smeltzer Tim Livengood and Shane Martin
By: Anna Wozniak
The North Central Board of Education met on Tuesday, September 19 at 6 p.m. Present were Anthony Burnett, Katie Burt, Chuck Haynes, Tim Livengood, and Shane Martin. After the pledge of allegiance and roll call, the agenda was approved as presented.
Treasurer Eric Smeltzer shared that they were grateful for the donation to the Back Pack Program from Nickloy’s Fix and Fab.
His report was approved as presented, which included the minutes from the August 15, 2023 work session and regular meeting, the financial statements from August, and the permanent appropriations for fiscal year 2024.
Superintendent Bute spoke on the six “r” factors he is trying to implement through the E3 Program, and shared the details of the next work session in October, planned for the 17th at 5 p.m.
Principal Andy Morr detailed the elementary school’s compliance with safety drills and Title I grants and services. Right to Read week is this week, and a Quest for Kindness assembly will be held on Friday.
The sixth graders are spending time at Camp Palmer doing a lot of team building, science, and athletic activities.
The elementary fundraiser is planned, with popcorn serving to help offset the costs incurred providing education services. School photos and a Focus 3 assembly will soon be seen by the elementary students.
Principal Greg Puthoff shared that the high school students have seen no food or cellphones in classrooms this year, hoping to lend a hand to productivity.
High school staff was thanked for their smooth transition in going back to school, and the students were congratulated on their successes at the fair.
Homecoming activities are happening this week, and banners had been made in anticipation of the parade on Friday night.
Athletic Director Michael Babin shared that his team has been kept busy recently with the semantics of preparing for the athletic season, and that the recent themed games have been great for student turnout.
Babin shared that there will be a food truck at homecoming, and that the parade will start at 5:30 p.m., turning at Lynn Street to end at the track.
Twenty-five BBC qualifying juniors and seniors were to be recognized on social media on the 20th.
Special Education Director Brent Saneholtz shared that they’ve had a really great first month working with their students and new families.
Instructors and intervention specialists are working on online technology services that will be implemented this year, the K-5 handwriting curriculum has been received, and dyslexia screening will be fine-tuned to be in compliance with the new law.
Superintendent Bute’s recommendations were approved as presented, including a list of requirements for substitutes and a propane agreement.
Then approved was the consent agenda as attached, which included employment contracts and the approval of the NCLS Band and Choir trip to Nashville, Tennessee March 7-9.
North Central Schools Board of Education then adjourned their meeting at 6:28 p.m., set to meet next at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 17.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com