By: Jenna Frisby
The North Central Board of Education met for their regular board meeting on Tuesday, July 16th in the school auditoria. President Kati Burt called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
In attendance were all board members: President Kati Burt, Vice President Tim Livengood, John Huffman, Chuck Haynes, and Dustin Meyers along with Superintendent Michael Bute, Treasurer Eric Smeltzer, Athletic Director Michael Babin, and John Widmer from LifeWise Academy. Prior to roll call everyone joined in the pledge of allegiance.
The first item on the agenda welcomed Widmer to speak on LifeWise Academy and the potential of bringing the program to the North Central School District.
Widmer went into more detail on what the program is and entails and gave the board the opportunity to ask questions about the program. No decisions were made at this time.
Smeltzer then gave the treasure’s report in which he requested the following items:
– To waive the reading and approve the minutes from the June 18, 2024 Regular Meeting, June 27, 2024 Special Meeting, and the July 2, 2024 Special Meeting.
– Accept the Financial Statements and Investments from June 2024.
– Accept the following Donations: $500 from Pioneer Methodist Church to the Cafeteria for “No Child Goes Without Fund”; $4,000 from the North Central Athletic Boosters to the Athletic Department for offsetting the cost of students going to games free; approve the severance pay per the Master Negotiation Agreement, Article X, Section H for the following individuals: Kent Hutchison, Sally Wheeler, and Kristen Ewers.
A motion was made by Livengood and seconded by Huffman to approve the report and items included. All board members were in agreement.
Next Superintendent Bute gave a report which included a discussion on the Culture/Playbook, opening day of school for NCLS, the alignment committee, the next work session date being Tuesday, August 20, 2024 in the Eagle Room at 5:00pm, the next regular board meeting to follow at 6:00pm in the auditeria, and a new cell phone policy via Governor DeWine.
Michael Babin then gave the athletic director’s report. The first item he discussed was an update on the gym floor, “The entirety of the playing surface has been installed and is in the process of being sanded down before it is stained.”
“Heritage floors has had an amazing crew putting hours of tireless work to make sure things are completed by their original projected timeline which is mid-July.”
Babin also reported that pieces of the old gym floor which were purchased are available for pick up in the high school as of Friday, July 12th. There are still cut pieces available for purchase so it’s not too late if anyone would like to purchase one and have a piece of history.
Babin’s last report update was in regard to the old metal sign on the north side of the school above the auditeria windows. The sign has been replaced with a new one that was donated by Deco MFG and Powercraft.
The village installed the new sign on June 26th and the old sign is being put up for bid across the school’s social media channels and by word of mouth.
Anyone interested in submitting their bids can do so by emailing or . Bids will be accepted until August 18th, 2024.
The board then went through recommendations from superintendent Bute. Recommendations were as follows:
– Approval of the purchase of various purchases for staff, including Prof. Dev. Days, Waiver Days, and Teacher Workdays throughout the school year. Motion was made by Haynes and seconded by Meyers with all members agreeing.
– Approval of the purchase of Staff Appreciation Gifts/Gift Cards and Retirement Gifts/Gift Cards during the school year. Motion was made by Livengood and seconded by Meyers with all members agreeing.
– Approval of the following pay rates for substitutes: Teacher- $100 daily; Bus Driver- $20 per hour; Secretary- $14 per hour; Aide (Cafeteria)- $12 per hour; Custodial- $12 per hour (including summer custodians). Motion was made by Huffman and seconded by Haynes with all members agreeing.
Approval of the resolution declaring the necessity of raising $681,229 annually for School District Purposes (3/4% Earned Income for 3 years). Motion was made by Haynes and seconded by Meyers with all members agreeing.
Approval of the Eagle Cafe Menu Prices for the 24-25 school year as follows:
Breakfast: Preschool-Grade 6: $2.50; Grades 7-12: $2.75; Reduced: $0.30; Adult: $3.00
Lunch: Preschool-Grade 6: $3.00; Grades 7-12: $3.50; Reduced: $0.40; Adult: $4.00
Ala Carte Menu Prices: Milk: $0.50 (for those that pack a meal or want a second carton); Entree Items (pizza, hamburger, mac & cheese, etc.): $2.00; Second Breakfast (K-12): $2.50; Second Lunch (K-6): $3.00; Second Lunch (7-12): $3.50; Eagle Tray (must be preordered by 10am with a lunch): $1.00 more.
Motion was made by Huffman and seconded by Haynes with all members agreeing.
The following items were then approved to be part of the consent agenda motioned by Livengood, seconded by Burt with the rest of the board agreeing.
Resignation of Brent Saneholtz—Special Education Supervisor (Conclusion of the 23-24 school year); Employments (pending records) of: Rachel Gendron—High School Cheer Advisor, Elizabeth Fraley—High School Cheer Advisor, Justen Ghent—Head Jr High Football, Clayton Douglass—Asst. Jr High Football, Tyler Iwinski—High School Faculty Manager, Lindsey Eckley—High School Faculty Manager, Katlyn Walker—High School Faculty Manager, Ben Scofield—High School Faculty Manager, Jennifer Zuver—Sophomore Class Advisor, Heather Hollstein—Sophomore Class Advisor, Angie Beauregard—High School SOAR—Jr High SOAR—C.A.R.E. Coordinator, Alecia Szymanski—Entry Year Mentor.
The NwOESC Teacher & Paraprofessional Substitute list dated June 25, 2024 ask all updated lists for the 24-25 school year. Extended Service Contracts for the 24-25 school year (each staff member listed will provide their building principal with a calendar of extended days/hours worked): Hollie Hake—School Nurse (5 days), Breanna McKenzie—Social Worker (10 days), Kendra Smeltzer—JH/HS Secretary (10 days).
With no other business to be brought before the board or discussed Meyers made a motion to adjourn their meeting at 6:33pm which was seconded by Livengood with the rest of the board in agreement.
North Central Schools with hold their next regular scheduled board meeting in the auditeria of the school on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 at 6:00pm.