(PRESS RELEASE) NORTHWEST OHIO – The Ohio State Highway Patrol’s Findlay District, along with other law enforcement agencies in northwest Ohio, participated in the 12th annual “Lights for Lives” campaign earlier this week.
This collaborative effort was made to promote safe driving as the holiday season kicks off. The yearly campaign, which began at 6 a.m. on November 21, and ran through 6 a.m. on November 22, focuses on cracking down on drivers who are violating traffic laws.
The name “Lights for Lives” represents the action of law enforcement personnel activating their overhead lights, and stopping drivers who have committed traffic violations, which in turn, helps save lives.
During the 24-hour operation, participating agencies stopped 384 vehicles and issued a total of 78 citations. Six of those citations were for safety belt violations. Agencies also reported one impaired driver being removed from Northwest Ohio roadways.
The Patrol could not have done this operation alone, and it was only a success thanks to the participation of law enforcement agencies in the following counties: Williams County, Fulton County, Lucas County, Defiance County, Henry County, Wood County, Putnam County, Paulding County, Hancock County, Van Wert County, Allen County and Hardin County.
On behalf of all the law enforcement agencies who participated in the 12th Annual “Lights for Lives” campaign, we would like to remind motorists this holiday season to always buckle up, slow down and move over for stopped traffic.
Additionally, it is important to always plan ahead and never operate a vehicle when impaired by drugs and/or alcohol.