SPECIAL MEETING … The Pioneer Village Administration Offices, where utility administration for the Village of Pioneer occurs. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK / THE VILLAGE REPORTER)
By: Anna Wozniak
The Pioneer Village Council has been busy lately, with a series of special meetings and executive sessions being held to discuss and pass an ordinance approving a dually composed “Water Transmission Utility” facility construction.
The construction of the water transmission facility is to be built by AQB, and then, as outlined in the Public Utility Agreement Term Sheet, donated to the Village of Pioneer.
The Village Administrator is now authorized to create a two-part “Water Transmission Utility,” which will consist of both a Raw Water Transmission Division and a Wastewater / Stormwater Transmission Division. These divisions are intended to be self-sufficient.
A new code will be added to the Village’s Codified Ordinances under Chapter 931 to compensate for this new agreement.
Ordinance 6-2023 was passed with five votes to carry and one nay, with Bill Turner voting not to carry the ordinance before the meeting adjourned.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com