GARDEN CLUB MEETING Carol Wheeler and her flower pounding project
The August 1, 2023 meeting of Pulaski Garden Club found nineteen members and two interested guests at the meeting at the home of Cam Miller for a pot luck dinner, meeting and a pounding flowers project.
We welcomed Kathy Keister and Brenda Athy to our meeting and recognized new members Coleen Chester, Rhonda Obus, Sandy Oberlin, and Michelle O’Dell.
Roll call was answered by showing a Zinnia. Treasurer Kay Beck updated finances and Secretary Connie Simmons read the July minutes.
Flower arrangement Joyce Paepke brought titled Bam Bam, thinking of the Flintstones, Joyce picked these flowers mostly from her own garden creating a full vase of flowers, like Billy Buttons, Rudbeckia Hirta, Gloriosa Daisy, Mum, Queen Anne’s Lace, a thistle – Teasel Dipsacus Sativus, Hydrangea and Day lily.
Judy Shilling reported on bulb of the month Lycoris, also known by many names: Spider Lily, Surprise Lily, Magic Lily, Naked Lady Lily, Red Spider lily, Golden Spider Lily, and Resurrection Lily.
The green leaves come up in the spring and they die off and now just the flower comes up on a tall stalk. They love the sun and are pretty hardy and can even bloom out of the compost pile.
Several members reported on our recent 3-day event with OAGC Convention in Findlay, talks on issues with wetlands around Lake Erie, learned techniques on titled flower arrangements, crafts on contrived flowers and pollinator baths, and 13 gardens all around Findlay for us to tour, all were very beautiful, some simple and others were over the top.
Club members went on a garden tour at Johnstons Gardens near Swanton on Route 20A July 18th where you could fill a jar with flowers you pick and lots of flowers noting a large cockscomb in different colors and fields of sunflowers.
Everyone enjoyed a potluck dinner and ended the evening pounding flowers. Literally each member brought a hammer and some flowers to create stationery.
The simpler the flower the better. Place a board on a table with some newspapers on top, next newspaper or material, lay out a flower or several with a piece of plastic wrap on top and tap all over the surface of the flower.
Flowers or leaves make a great arrangement. Lift off the plastic and any of the flowers that are stuck to the paper.
The idea being to make greeting cards with a flower design on the ½ of the paper. Some worked very well while some designs needed a little artwork with colored pencils to show off the flower’s full size.
Joyce Mocherman demonstrated how to display a flower for the fair. If that is required remove all buds but leave at least two leaves.
To show a spray of flowers Joyce best described as the flowers on one stem represent “yesterday, today, and tomorrow’.
On August 15th there was the Creation Basement at Cam Miller’s. Those planning to make an arrangement for our Williams County Fair can get some assistance in what you would like to make.
On August 22nd there will be a Garden Tour of Regina Partee’s gardens and several others in the neighborhood. On August 28th, members will be working at the flower beds at the fairgrounds to get ready for the fair. And thanks to members who could help last month.
On August 31st we are asking for anyone going to make a flower arrangement for the Williams County Fair Flower Show to please let Cam Miller know so she can know how to set up the tables for the flower show.
Our next meeting will be September 5th at the Pulaski United Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m., and dues will be due for another year of $16 to start the 2023-2024 year in October. On Sept. 6th at 9 a.m. the group will set up at the fairgrounds for our flower show.
Next August 2024, our club is to assist with the State Convention at Maumee Bay Park. We are having a photo contest; photos are due at the September meeting.
Judy Shilling won the door prize, and we all enjoyed a good meal, a fun, noisy project, and fellowship.