RAFFLE … Becky Stuckey and Tyson Hoste stand at the Wauseon Cruise Nights opening evening to raffle off tickets for a golf cart. The donations go to support Wauseon athletics. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The City of Wauseon welcomed back Cruise Nights to the downtown streets this past week. May 2nd saw the first Cruise Night of the year take over North Fulton Street.
The city’s Cruise Night sees vehicle enthusiasts from the local area and beyond bring their vehicles to be shown to others who share their love of cars, or who want to have a good time out.
This year’s first Cruise Night experienced a very light showing of cars and visitors due to unfortunate rain and colder temperatures.
Cruise Nights take place every Tuesday night from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Super Cruise nights take place every third Tuesday of the month and go from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Super Cruise nights see a much larger number of people, vendors and vehicles.
Cruise Nights began back in 1991 and have continued to grow bigger and get better each year. This year, the cruise night will see the addition of a marketplace where vendors can set up a booth to sell their merchandise.
This new feature is added into all of the event’s normal staples, in order to help make this year’s Cruise Night schedule the best yet.
Jacob can be reached at jacob@thevillagereporter.com