During their regularly scheduled meeting on May 23, reminders were issued about events to soon take place in town, summer ordinances, and scams taking place that residents should be wary of.
Village employees have been working hard to make sure that the town is ready for the Community Days festivities that will be taking place June 7 and 8. All residents are invited to come out to Memorial Park to enjoy the activities and visit with other members of the community.
As summer approaches, residents are also asked to keep in mind that outside fires are to be limited to those for cooking and recreational uses and that no fires are to be built for the purpose of trash burning.
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Police Chief J.R. Jones would also like to draw attention that scams to fraud people out of money are ever-changing and again on the rise. He would like to remind everyone that if they are approached by any individual or business that they are unfamiliar with that the should exercise extreme caution. Financial information and identification information should never be given out to someone that an individual is unfamiliar with.
Village Administrator Ric Beals also informed council that Gerken Paving will soon be doing the State Route 127 resurfacing for ODOT. Milling is tentatively scheduled for June 6, 7, and 10 and paving is tentatively scheduled for June 11, 12, and 13. Striping will follow immediately. The resurfacing will be of all parts of 127 within the village limits except for the stretch that runs with Jackson Street, which will not be resurfaced at that time.
Other information that Beals informed council of included that the village is continuing work on the demolition of two properties, one on Jackson Street and the other on Taylor Street, through the Ohio Attorney General’s Moving Forward Grant and that M&M Asphalt will soon be doing chip/seal, for/seal work in three locations throughout the village soon. Beals also informed council that the village will not be receiving CDBG funds but has been named as an alternate to receive the funds.
Other maintenance that Beals addressed was that the pumping station on S. Liberty Street is completed and running and, with the new variable frequency system, using less energy than before. The seal leak in the north clarifier tank at the sewer plant has been repaired as well and seems to be running well.
The only legislative matter brought before council was the suspension of the rules and the passage of Ordinance 2013-01. The ordinance allows for the updating of al codified village and state ordinances within the village’s publications.