LAST MEETING BEFORE HOLIDAY … Williams County Commissioners Terry Rummel and Lew Hilkert held their last general session meeting before the July 4th holiday on Tuesday, June 25th. Missing for the meeting was Commissioner Bart Westfall.
By: Jenna Frisby
The Williams County Commissioners met for their regular meeting this past week on Tuesday, June 25th. Their regular meeting began at 9:00am in their office at the East Annex Building, after their quarterly meeting with elected officials.
In attendance were Commissioners Terry Rummel and Lew Hilkert, Clerk Anne Retcher, Deputy Clerk Robin Kemp and their Intern Elizabeth Fritsch as well as those from their perspective departments on the agenda. Absent for the meeting was Commissioner Bart Westfall.
Vice President Commissioner Terry Rummel called the meeting to order. Followed by intern Elizabeth Fritsch giving roll call.
Following roll call Fritsch presented the board with the following resolutions: Resolution 24-0220: a resolution approving Vickie L. Grimm, Williams County Auditor to create new lines and make supplemental appropriation(s) from and to the following funds: Williams County Common Pleas Court from the funds Medicare, WC and Seminars to Salary due to end of year budget shortfall; from the funds Supplies, Seminars, Incentives and Insurance to PERS due to end of year budget shortfall; from the funds Unappropriated, to Salaries, Medicare, PERS, Workers Comp and Insurance to establish a budget for a new grant; from the funds Unappropriated to Remittance to State (x3) for the transfer of workers comp refund a return to the state.
Williams County Engineer from Capital Assents-Equipment and Contract Projects to Repairs-Equipment in order to replenish line.
Resolution 24-0221: a resolution granting various authority to the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners when the Board does not meet due to a holiday, emergency, or lack of quorum; in the absence of Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, the board grants the same authority to the Deputy Clerk of the Board.
Resolution 24-0222: a resolution granting on June 17, 2024 Vicki Blair, Contract and Procurement Specialist, Williams County Department of Job & Family Services submitted to the Williams County Commissioners an Addenda to Agreement between Williams County Department of Job and Family Services and Buckeye Ranch, Inc. for Title IV-E Agencies and Providers for the Provision of Child Placement to update the Title IV-E Schedule A rates for child placement; Term: July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 (previous resolution 23-0379).
Resolution 24-0223: a resolution granting on June 17, 2024 Vicki Blair, Contract and Procurement Specialist for Williams County Department of Job & Family Services submitted the proposed Title XX County Profile for SFY25 for the purpose of providing services or activities for child welfare at a cost not to exceed $440,374.00.

Resolution 24-0224: a resolution stating on January 4, 2024, Resolution 24-0015 was passed by the Board of Williams County appointing various members to the Williams County Department of Aging Advisory Committee for a term of one (1) year.
At this time a Pioneer member, Loralee Mercer was named, but has since resigned; therefore, on June 24, 2024, Sarah Stubblefield, Executive Director of Williams County Department of Aging, on behalf of the Williams County Department of Aging Advisory Committee advised the Board that Connie Salsbury has volunteered to be considered.
The commissioners therefore appointed Connie Salsbury to the Williams County Department of Aging Advisory Committee for the remainder of the 2024 term.
The updated list of representatives is as follows: John Lehner (Bryan Representative), Linda Woodall (Stryker Representative), William “Bill” Stuckey (West Unity Rep), Kelly Hephner (Montpelier Representative), Melissa Cronin (Edgerton Representative), Mary Mohre (Edon Representative), Connie Salsbury (Pioneer Representative), Mindy Martin (Pioneer Representative).
All resolutions presented were passed with Hilkert’s motion to pass and Rummel’s second. After the approval of the resolutions Retcher presented the commissioners with a travel expense, appropriations for flooring which needs to be replaced and installed in the lounge area and breakroom of the Downtown Courthouse, and a maintenance quote for the generator maintenance needing done in the East Annex Building.
Commissioner Hilkert then made a motion to approve the minutes from the commissioner’s June 18, 2024 meeting with Commissioner Rummel seconding. Commissioner Hilkert then also made a motion to have the bills paid as presented by the Clerk.

Commissioner Rummel then mentioned the Department of Aging levy. They are currently separate levies, which the commissioners plan to keep separate and file separate as this gives them a higher change of passing the levy through.
Commissioner Hilkert mentioned that they were finally able to give past Commissioner Chip Winzler’s wife his award. The commissioners had planned to be able to present it to him on Monday, June 17th however before arriving they had received word that he had passed over the weekend.
Winkler’s wife expressed her gratefulness to the commissioners for the award and was able to display it at Winzler’s last calling hours.
With no other public business to discuss, Commissioner Hilkert motioned for the meeting to move into executive session for only the discussion of employment. No action to be taken.
Due to the lack of quorum the commissioners meeting for June 27th has been cancelled. As well, due to the July 4th holiday and lack of quorum the commissioners will hold no meeting the week of July 1st.
The commissioners next regular meeting will be held at 9:00am on Tuesday July 9th in their office at the East Annex Building.