The Williams County Genealogical Society ended their 30th season with a celebration banquet at the Moose Lodge’s Banquet Room, Bryan, OH. Roger Lash was the guest speaker. He shared the results of our “Trash or Treasurer” items. There were some interesting stories to go along with the items. For example, one member had a fancy gift of an ornate vase that was given to her ancestor from the Sunday school class that she had been teaching. The vase turned out to be a very expensive gift from that time period. Others had many common but lovely rose patterned bowls and plates from the 1900’s but not valued very much. Most oil based lamps were clear in color or a light yellow but one member had a very beautiful blue colored lamp. The members enjoyed hearing about their “treasurers” and can’t wait for his return in the future.
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Kim Smith First Families Advisor welcomed 9 new members into the First Families of Williams County. They are: Richard Robinson, VA; Diane Altman, Bryan; Williams L. Shepard, Jr., Michigan; Patrice Alley, North Carolina; Bonnie J. Burgbacher, Bryan; Gregory C. Robinson, Oh; Cyril J. Delisle, Bryan and Grace L. Hajdu from Michigan. There are now 207 members of First Families of Williams County. Maybe next year you could be number 208.
The society would like to wish everyone a safe and fun filled summer. Don’t forget those road trips to cemeteries, libraries and court houses to find “goodies” you just can’t find on the internet. Yes, sometimes you have to do leg work to discover information about your ancestors. See you in September.