MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS … Speaker Lt. Col. Dave Grossman poses with Williams County Sheriff Tom Kochert, who organized the event. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Fairgrounds Veterans’ Building saw the renowned Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s “On Truth” presentation on April 13, 2023.
As one of the nation’s leading trainers, Grossman has impacted generations of law enforcement and other officials with his teachings.
A former US Army Ranger, paratrooper, former West Point psychology professor, and successful author, Grossman is a big deal to Williams County Officials.
The county gives him their sincerest thanks for the impact he has made through this presentation, as well as presentations of the past.
Pairing the psychology with the physiology of the human body under duress, those in attendance learned how to better control their response to stressors so that they may more effectively retain decision making skills in the “heat of the moment.”
Grossman provided an experience that counts for 8 hours of state required continued professional training for our law personnel, and the veterans’ building was filled with those who wanted to hear what this renowned, popular speaker had to say.
This event was hosted by the Williams County Sheriff’s Office, and was organized by Sheriff Tom Kochert, with the help and funding of MAGLOCLEN (Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network).
Anna can be reached at