BLAKESLEE COUNCIL … Seated around the table from left to right, Council members Rosemary Thiel, Cletus Radabaugh, Mayor Linda Muehlfeld, Fiscal Officer Beth Rediger, and Council members Nick Reed and Cody Reynolds, made some decisions for Blakeslee at the April 25,2021 meeting, held in the town hall. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
During the Sunday, April 25, 2021 Village Council meeting, Mayor Linda Muehlfeld shared a letter with council. The letter was from the Williams County Prosecutor Katie Zartman, concerning the need for money to keep the Victim’s Assistance program going.
The letter explained that since the state has cut the budget, they are struggling to take care of the people who need it.
It requested that each village in Williams County donation $5000 to the Victim’s Assistance Program and they let the Prosecutor’s Office know by June 1, 2021 if they can do this.
There was some discussion in which it was made clear that the Village of Blakeslee is too small to even be able to donate that amount of money.
Fiscal Officer Beth Rediger told council that another village has tabled it in order to research it and also because they feel that the County Commissioners should put the money for Victim’s Assistance in their budget.
Blakeslee Mayor and council agreed that they would table at the present and discuss it again in May. There were also some comments about it being a good program that is needed.
In other business, council approved the minutes for the March meeting and the Finance report given by Rediger. Rediger also informed them that all 52 homes have paid for Trash/Recycling so there will be no assessing needed.
A Block Grant for the Village Hills near the viaduct is available and Rediger is going to be filling out an application for Blakeslee to get assistance with this much needed project.
She also stated that as their village does not have enough money to pay 5 to 10% of the project, with it estimated at $650,000, she is going to include a letter asking if they could get full funding.
Council approved of her suggestions and asked her to proceed.
With no further business the meeting adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at