2023 INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR … Edgerton Forge General Manager Chris Pearson and HR Representative Kiley Coffman were more than happy to accept the 2023 Industry of the Year award.
By: Anna Wozniak
The Edgerton Village Council met on Wednesday, April 3rd, for a regular council meeting. Present were councilors Pam Wampler, Leslie VanAusdale, Jason Gruver, Chuck Wallace, and Lance Bowsher, as were Mayor Robert Day, Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles, Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht, and Administrative Assistant Amanda Knecht.
After the minutes for their March 20, 2024 meeting were approved, Mayor Day awarded the 2023 Business of the Year award to Edgerton Village Market, and the 2023 Industry of the Year award to Edgerton Forge.
Administrator Fitzcharles then shared the details surrounding a permanent conditional use permit for Fleo’s Flicks, which was approved by way of motion.
She also reminded everyone that large trash drop off day is April 18th, and will be running from 8 a.m. through noon, and residents are reminded to please bring proof of residency.
Tree planting is set to take place on April 26, 2024 at 10 a.m., off of Bement Street by Saint Mary’s Church.
Fiscal Officer Knecht shared the recent training seminars that have been attended this month, as well as the financials through the month of March. The state audit is still ongoing, with a target end date of June 30th.
Police Chief Jacob shared that the range project is nearing completion, with the shed being completed due to a donation from the Edgerton Area Foundation.
On April 13, 2024 a less-lethal course will be taught to officers, to equip them with less lethal methods of action with regards to subduing suspects.
The police department is wearing colored badges in honor of Autism Awareness month, and training plans for the officers are being formulated.
Council then passed Resolution 2024-003, which authorized a Natureworks grant application. The available amounts have not been released yet, as the budget process is ongoing, and applications are due in June. If received, the grant would see a 75% project expense reimbursement.
Resolution 2024-004 authorized Edgerton’s annual road salt contract each municipality will look at for renewal with ODOT for the upcoming season.
The Edgerton Village Council then voted to enter into executive session at 5:51 p.m., set to meet next April 17, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
After the executive session, Village Administrator Fitzcharles shared that Mayor Day was given permission to “submit a bid on parcel 062-150-02-027 and to provide for appropriations for purchase if the bid is successful.”