EDON HIGH SCHOOL SOLO AND ENSEMBLE PARTICIPANTS … Edon High School musicians participating in the annual OMEA District I Solo and Ensemble Contest shared their talents with guests during a special Solo and Ensemble Preview Night Concert held Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at the school. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
The Music Department at Edon Northwest Local Schools is proud to announce its results from the recent Ohio Music Education Association’s High School Solo and Ensemble Contest held Saturday, January 28 at Bryan High School.
Over the past months, band and choir students diligently prepared their musical pieces to perform before contest adjudicators during the day-long event.
Students are under the instruction of Cathy Frastaci, Choir Director and Sarah Kipfer, Band Director.
Assisting them in preparing the musicians as well as accompanying them at the contest were Trish Tingley, Nancy Gallehue and Melody Nofziger.
Individual results for Edon musicians are as follows:
Superior Rating (I)
Solo Performances
Kyla Adkins- Shenandoah; Soprano ~ Class C
Kayleigh Christian-Who’ll Buy My Lavender; Mezzo Soprano ~ Class B
Shy Cobb-There is a Balm in Gilead; Tenor ~ Class C
Hope Siebenaler-I Wonder as I Wander; Mezzo Soprano ~ Class C
Kendall Siebenaler-Sure on This Shining Night; Mezzo Soprano ~ Class A
Superior Rating (I)
Ensemble Performance
Edon Flute Trio-Colors; Class C
Jenna Dulle, Lloa Mountz, Loralai Hawkins
The Edon Singers-Go in Peace and Love; Chamber Ensemble ~ Class C
Alyssa Adams, Kyla Adkins, Kendol Brigle, Kayleigh Christian, Darion Deck, Desi Dunkle, Brianna Fitch, Samantha Hake, Devin Hoffman, Anne Hug, Zander Kurtz, Lloa Mountz, Kally Randall, Amanda Schwartz, Emma Trent, Hope Siebenaler, Kendall Siebenaler, DJ Spurlin, Shianne Trausch
Excellent Rating (II)
Solo Performances
Desi Dunkle-Tu Lo Sai; Mezzo Soprano ~ Class A
Jo Paepke-Marigold; Trumpet ~ Class C