STATE COMPETITION Four County Career Center Skills USA Chapter members will be participating in the Ohio State Skills USA Competition held in Columbus on April 9 10 2024 Skills USA members from all parts of Ohio will be competing for awards and the right to advance to National Skills and Leadership contests Skills USA Ohios mission is to empower its members to become world class workers leaders and responsible American citizens Contest participants from Fulton and Henry counties are TOP PHOTO LEFT TO RIGHT Jacob Schwartzengraber Holgate Precision Machining Tyson Bullock Napoleon Precision Machining Brandon Bennett Holgate Plumbing and Jesse Rittichier Wauseon Precision Machining Absent from the photo are Lydia Epling Archbold Graphic Communications Sam Haley Pettisville Collision Damage Appraisal Audrey Honeck Patrick Henry EMT and Adam Nienberg Holgate Technical Drafting Contest participants from Williams County are PICTURED BELOW LEFT TO RIGHT Alea Johnson Bryan Graphic Communications Tyler Conklin Montpelier Related Technical Math and Gabe Ledyard Bryan Maintenance Light Repair Absent from the photo are Caleb McCashen Bryan Additive Manufacturing and Jiovanni Vargas Velez Bryan Additive Manufacturing