Fulton County Clerk of Courts Tracy L. Zuver has provided his monthly report for January 2024, with January 2023 in parentheses, with the following:
New cases filed in the legal department 124 (179); domestic 5 (8), civil 16 (11), criminal 8 (16), miscellaneous 3 (3), judgment liens 92 (140) and appeals 0 (1) with a total of fees collected being $17,248.35 ($13,262.43).
The title department issued a total of 1,199 (1,413) titles; new cars 64(65), used cars 630 (832), new trucks 42 (48), used trucks 319 (324), vans 13 (33), motorcycles 20 (21), manufactured homes 13 (6), trailers 20 (19), travel trailers 12 (12), motor homes 18 (3), buses 1 (5), off-road vehicles 29 (34), watercraft 4 (3), outboard motors 2 (0), other 12 (8), watercraft registrations 2 (0), and driver examination tests 35 (0) with a total of fees collected being $656,509.42. ($762,528.97).