PRESS BOX PROJECT Softball Commissioner Brandon Shoup left paid a visit to the Montpelier Park Board during which he detailed the softball press box project proposal which was approved by the board An engineers estimate has yet to be conducted on the project before funding numbers are finalized
By: Anna Wozniak
The Montpelier Park Board met on Wednesday, April 3rd, at 7 p.m. The board greeted Softball Commissioner Brandon Shoup, who shared the latest update on the girls softball teams and the press box project.
He shared that funding for the press box is being raised, with Sandy Gordon asking for an engineer’s estimate to be done, so that the final numbers can be analyzed with regards to the project’s funding.
Discussion was then held on the bleachers in front of the press box, and it was recommended that the bleachers be moved as far forward as possible, so that no one can get onto the press box.
Discussion was held on bleacher placement and then a motion was made to approve the softball press box proposal and location.
After approving the minutes from their last meeting, the financial statements through March were approved as presented.
Pool maintenance has begun for the upcoming season, with the walls soon to see a fresh coat of epoxy. The faucet lines have been put on, and the pool house will soon be power washed to prepare it for a new coat of paint.
There were seven interviews for lifeguards that went well, and Jeff Hephner has been hired as a spring worker.
Park grounds are being rolled, the fields are being prepared, the boy’s pony league batting cage nets are up, spring leagues have started, the minor league will see a new handicapped parking space, and herbicide and fertilizer will be spread once the rain breaks for a few days.
Gordon shared that the new annual insurance policy took effect on April 1st, the concession menus have been updated, three concession applicants are looking to be hired, and the community calendar will be ready this week.
The Shelley Company Wildlife Habitat is newly slated to be the first passport event this summer. The tie dye shirts provided by the Friends of the Park have been received, this season’s movies have been chosen, and garden workshops have started.
It was shared that the pump house has been given a couple of quotes, with it being shared that one company would only do a replacement, not a repair, and suggested reaching out to a more regional general contractor if they wish to proceed with repairing over replacing.
There may be grant funding available, but it is still being determined whether or not the project will see a remodel or repair.
It was shared that the pool remodel is starting phase 1, with a list being made for tools needed for necessary repairs.
With nothing further to address, the Montpelier Parks Board adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m.